Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 97: The Kraal to Bulawu

After a pleasant sleep I awoke and headed off to the guests from last night and ate a hearty breakfast so that I had enough energy as I thought I’d try for Coffee Bay today. I was immensely grateful once again and said cheers and wished them a safe trip for when they left. I ended up having a second breakfast when I was back in the communal area of the Kraal which was a lekker bowl of mielie pap. I also met some other people who quickly said howzit before popping out to go to the beach. The owner and the couple from yesterday were all wearing that xhosa mud mask so I also got me some of that. It would help as a good sunscreen along with whatever other health benefits it provides. I asked the owner how to get to coffee bay and he gave me some directions along with checking out this topographical map. It was already past 10 so it was time to get going. Was awesome staying at the Kraal!!!
R80. Totally worth it.
The cool Cape Town couple who gave me some lunch yesterday.
Face paint check. Unsure expression check.
It would prove to be a most awesome day of cycling and I would still not even be getting to Coffee Bay. I followed the directions I was given to the letter and it took me onto a beach where the cows did their thing, over broken bridges and up and down many hills, and it was flipping awesome. The views of the beaches I saw were amazing!!! This was adventure cycling through and through.
That road is lekker.
This is how cows should be. As long as they crap somewhere else though.
Adventure riding 101
Uphill suck 101.

Looking back.

Secret spot!!!! Man the beaches in this place!!!

Cattel on the soccer pitch.

Broken bridges. Love it.

Come and check this place out people.
 I made my way down a steep hill and was once again on beach where I took a lekker swim. Then I proceeded along the beach with some proper riding which was also a first and a very lekker one at that. The sand was hard enough to get through with little effort. I only managed about 2kms or so before I was spotted by some guys who were super stoked and surprised by what I was doing and they invited me to join them in some freshly braaied fish. Part of me was glad to chill for a while but another part wanted to get going, luckily that part died shortly thereafter. I decided to totally enjoy myself there with this friendly bunch who it turns out were all from Cape Town, Melmsbury or Melkbosstrand. Their were two brothers, a father and son who ran a tyre business in Atlantis and another friend. The fish was flippen delicious and I had accepted their offer to camp at the place they were staying at. They were friends with the owner of the plot so after all the fish was gone, we headed to the place in the hills. It was a bit of a back track for me as I had ridden most of the way on the beach earlier but it was alright. The big mission was getting my bike and stuff up the moerse hills but luckily everyone took a bag to lighten the load and we eventually arrived after about 40mins. What a trek I thought, but I was glad to be there.

Heading down to the beach.
Man that looks awesome.

You rest here my Giant while I go take a swim.
Gave this chap my lighter.

Riding on the beach. Adventure cycling 101. Oh yeah.
Fresh fish on the braai!!!
The friendly peeps I met on the beach.
Go down you beauty.
The backtrack.

Chester was the owner of the home in Bulawu where we were staying and the Cape Townians had known him for quite a while and were planning on building their own little house there for themselves as a place to stay when they visit. Till then they were staying in their little combi van and tent. It was pretty sweet. There was a lekker fire going outside and it was a lekker way to end the day. We ate stacks of crayfish cakes which were so delicious and Chesters wife also whipped us up some fresh coleslaw. I was totally enjoying not getting to Coffee Bay. We finally called it a night much later even thought it would be an early wake up.
This kid danced like a champion around the campfire.
Distance 15kms

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