Monday 2 September 2013

Camp 41: Lion Park Resort to Derdepoort (South Africa border post)

Last night was probably the coldest night I experienced. Damn it was cold. Made getting up to pee flippen uncomfortable because I wasn’t just gonna pee in my tent because it was too cold outside. That would come later. Ok, winter night was officially here I thought.
The beginning of clouds I didn't realise till the end of the day. It was also time to ride the rollercoaster.
I had decided to ride the rollercoaster before leaving. I figured it wasn’t that bad and I reckon I should overcome some fear of this mechanical device spawned from the depths of hell. I paid for it then went to wait. Again weird being the only one in the park at the time. The operator switched it on but I was told there was an electrical failure of some kind and that I had to wait a couple minutes while they sorted it out. This didn’t sound good. Did I really want to ride this thing now? Maybe it was a sign I should get going? No, I said. I paid my 14Pula, and I’m gonna ride this damn roller coaster. Eventually they sorted it out. They did 2 test runs to make sure. That all it takes, two? Why not three? Maybe the 2 test runs have somehow caused a fault that will fully take place once it’s run the third time. How can one be sure of these things? I watched the rollercoaster working out where the scary parts were. It was now time to ride the roller coaster. The fault checker guy was upfront with me. It was just the two of us. Was this how I was going to die? In Botswana, from a potential rollercoaster accident based purely on my run amok fears? Only the next 30 seconds would tell.
Before. Thats the face of fear and apprehension.
He threw his hands up as we ascended. God I hate this part. The build up. This wasn’t fun, being forced to feel built in biological responses for fear of one’s own well being. This was just madness. I remembered why I’m not a fan of these things. I remember being calm and just stating plainly how I hate this ascent plus the drop that follows. ‘Don’t worry man. It will be over in less than 30 seconds,’ said my calm yet clearly mental ride partner. Clearly multiple rides dulls ones sanity. We reached the top. His hands were up. Mine were clenched in a vice grip around the bar in front of me. I lied. This is the part I really hate. Down we went. I shut my eyes till after the loop de loop. Then it was eyes open, hands up in the air and ‘Yee haaaaaa!’ This was actually quite fun! 20 seconds later we stopped. ‘Any chance you could maybe do another test ride with me on board’, I asked.
Thoroughly enjoyed my self.
After. Things are never as bad as you 'think' they are. Fact.
Park entrance.
Best erections in Botswana. Take note people. Take note.
Welcome to Gaborone!
So so sooooo delicious. Carbs with a side of carbs as my cousin said. Chips, get in that roll, then roll, get in my belly!
Just outside Gaborone I stopped at a garage and bought something I hadn’t had in a while. Hot chips and roll. Together they equal tasty carb loaded heaven. Then I headed off to the one mall. I was hoping to catch Iron Man 3 maybe but that wasn’t showing. Snap. So I bought some canned food before popping into Cape Union Mart. I needed a sleeping mat. I got one at less than 30% the price as it was somewhat damaged they said. Done. Ill take it. Looked fine to me. Couldn’t believe I only had one of these now after 41 days of riding. It was now time to head back to South Africa. I decided to not ride through Gaborone as I didn’t have anything in mind worth seeing so I kept it pretty much to my left as I turned away from it. I remembered Mafikeng was pretty busy 3 days ago so I had no intention of riding through what was probably an even busier city. Fun fact. Mafikeng was actually the capital of Botswana at one point before Gaborone. A capital outside its own countries borders. Very interesting.

Lovely lady as I was exiting Botswana.
I also bought a blanket as my sleeping bag wasn’t exactly keeping out the cold on its own. With all my shopping now done I headed for Derdepoort Border post.Kopfontein Gate was a closer border post but that led straight into Madikwe Game reserve and I didn’t know if they would let me ride through. This meant I had to take a road that was again gravel for a while. Not a problem. I took it easy as it was quite flat too. There were also plenty goats around as I rode past a handful of small villages or settlements. The landscape also became hillier and I realized I was also looking at something I hadn’t seen in a while even though they had been there since this morning. Clouds! As I was nearing the border I was once again being treated to another visual display of African sun setting awesomeness.  So beautiful!

No idea why I'm showing myself pointing to a herd of passing goats.
Modipane. One of a handful of small settlements I passed through leaving Gaborone.
Yay, more of the gravel. Was actually alright as it always is.
Back on the tar. And by now I only noticed the beautiful clouds.
At the border gate looking back. Amazing sky.
Just a few for wheel rotations and Im back in SA.
More wheel rotations Jones. Less self pics.
Once I was back in SA I decided to find my spot for the night which would be right here. I pushed my bike to the one barracks which it turned out was the women’s one. I got the attention of one of the officers by going round the back, and throwing a brick through the window. And by throwing a brick through the window, I meant knocking on the back door. I asked if I could sleep on the floor on the veranda section of the barracks for the night as it was also nicely closed off from the outside. I could already feel it would be warmer than camping. I told her I would rather sleep here than at the mens barracks as this one was much quieter but that I would be going around there to say howzit a bit later. I was taken to the police chief who okayed everything. Once again, the police were super friendly as well as interested in my journey. The one off duty officer I met said I was his inspiration. Cheers man. He said I could also have a shower over at the mens barracks which I gladly accepted before having some chow then returning to play some pool and have a drink with the off duty police officers. Little did I know, the pain I would get myself in.

I was keeping alcohol intake to a minimum on this trip especially spirits as I was riding so much plus I would carry on riding the next day. One beer for the most so far, which is what I had that night. Then I was offered some Amarula. Sweet. I could enjoy a little Amarula thinking I would get a wine glass amount as I’m used to. Haha. I was so wrong. Out came a draft glass with maybe 3 ice cubes in it. This was then poured halfway full of Amarula. Ok. That’s quite a bit of amarula right there, but I just have to pace myself for the while I was still there. Haha. Wrong again. Want some peppermint liquor too? Sure, a little I suppose. My half glass of Amarula was then filled a fingers width from the top with peppermint liquor. Enjoy. I was now holding the biggest Springbok shooter in Africa! WTF was I gonna do now? I was flabbergasted. I did my best to enjoy it as slowly as possible and it took me nearly forever to finish. Fok that was a lot to drink! Once gone I was done. Time to sleep. Good night people and off I went to my floor where I would also test my new sleeping mat. I thought I would actually have my first proper night’s sleep. Wrong again!!!
I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst possible headache I had ever experienced so far on this trip. Holy shit! My chance at a full night’s sleep had been ruined by my stupid past self and the springbok shooter from hell! Never fucking again! There was nothing to do but take some Panados and drink some water to try and hydrate the brain somewhat before attempting to sleep again, and hope that I would feel better in the morning. HAHAHAHA!!! Was that the sound of optimism being crushed I heard somewhere in the recesses of my mind?

Distance 75kms

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