Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 105: Centane to Kei Mouth

The night was less than pleasant. First of all it was cold again and also I couldn’t help but get irritated by some the police officers who were talking so loud nearby my tent. I lay there for a while hoping they would tone it down but finally when I did step outside to make my voice heard they were finished what they were doing and went on their way. I have to learn to not mind so much or speak up sooner. So I ended up getting up a litter later than usual also due to the fact that I didn’t have an alarm clock anymore as it was part of my phone which I recently departed with.
Bit of a late start to the day but all good.
It was a fairly short ride to Kei Mouth which lasted just under 3 hours. The landscape changed to some farmstyle grazing as I went along which also stopped once I was close to Kei Mouth. The worst thing like yesterday was the damn wind. It was even worse than yesterday and little did I realise that this is what it would be like in parts for the next week and a bit. I couldn’t even free wheel down hills. How sucky is that?! It f#cken sucked big time!!! Thats how sucky it was!!!
Try to add a wind to these pictures for the full effect.

Kei mouth getting closer.
Getting there. Last stretch.
Glad to be nearing the river.
But I made my way down to the river and got across on another ferry system much like the one I used crossing over into Namibia. Once over I was officially done with the Wild Coast. I was stoked that I had taken the road I had taken instead of the easier route of going via the N2. I was also somewhat looking forward to being on tar again.

Hell yeah!!! Crossing the Great Kei mouth. Pont cross number 2.

So I took a leisurely ride into the small town of Kei mouth where I rested to eat and buy some stuff, which included a bag of sour mini jawbreakers. This was just so I could suck on something sweet while I was riding. I ended up not really liking them that much and tried to give them away where ever possible. If I had that bag while in the Wild Coast, I could have got rid of that thing in one day by handing sweets out to all the children I rode past.
Officially not in the Wild Coast anymore. Thanks for being more awesome than I could have imagined.

Wild Coast done.
I had plenty of time to try and find a place to stay before I needed to try the police station as a last resort, so I attempted my luck. Two places said no. Oh well. Getting shot down just meant I had to keep looking as something was bound to open up and it did. I rode into the caravan park and met a lovely lady called Sharon who had a Kiwi accent. I asked if she could help me out with a place to stay thinking she was in charge or knew who was charge of this house I saw her coming from. She had nothing to do with it and didn’t know but she said I could just join her at her campsite with the other people she was with. Awesome. So I followed her a little distance and met her twin sister Natalie and Natalie’s husband Mike and their son Wesley. They were here for the weekend from East London and this was their last night. They were an awesome bunch of people to meet and they invited me to stay at their place in East London if I wanted. I immediately accepted. I went with Wesley to check out the one beach before heading back.
Right, lets get the hell outta here and get some food.
The plan was to try and braai but the wind was so sucky that we all headed out to the golf club for a lekker dinner. I was so stuffed after that meal. I think I should have not had the second milkshake although it could have been the size of the fish and chips I ate. Then we headed back. I then felt a little nauseas as I went to sleep but it was a good day over all.

Distance 32 kms

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