Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 117: Crags. Bike ride.

I had breakfast with David again whilst speaking more about his travels and such an looking at his photobooks a little more in depth before spending an hour or so uploading pictures to Facebook. It was a beautifully warm day thanks to the berg wind that was blowing and I had decided to go for a bike ride somewhere that David had let me know about.

I left at about 11am down the N2 towards Plett before swinging right into Whiskey Creek Reserve. It was a nice little ride with the path partially overgrown and with some lovely forest on either side now and then. It was cool to do some mountain biking without all the luggage I had been carrying. The path slowly winded around and down to the Keurboom river mouth where I rested.
On the way to the N2.

Ok, lets do this.

Pretty sweet views all around.

Lekker road to ride.

Heading down and around now.

Plettenburg in the far distance.

Keurbom river.

Then I headed back along the N2 for a short bit before taking the beach section, that headed towards Enricos where we were last night. I rested and enjoyed the view and when I left I saw a seagull with only one foot. Yup, one foot. Who knows how it lost it, but it was doing just fine with one. There is a lesson in there people.
Yes, I shall use it at my own risk.
This house totally stood out.

Haha. Keep it in the ocean you two.
Waves were pretty awesome today also.

Only got one foot but still whole in its soul.
I headed back the way we returned the night before and it was taxing going up the hill that leaves the area and becomes a dirt road. Some lovely houses in this area I must say. But it was lekker flat after that and it was chilled getting back to the house. Took it easy for the rest of the day, and declined a walk with David and friends as I was pretty tired. That would come tomorrow.
Looking back at the moerse hill I had to push up.
Lekker lil road to the N2.

Off the N2 and heading back to the house.

Distance. 25kms

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