Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 132: Strand to Millers Point

Had a good sleep and was on my way. Bit windy and cloudy and it took a little longer to exit Strand and get on the N2 than I thought. The wind was now straight into me for my short ride on the N2 for about 12kms before I took the turn off for the R310 that would take me along the coast towards Muizenburg past Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain. I was missing the sounds my old playlist as I was now listening to some tunes Johan put on for me. Haha. Clearly we have different musical tastes.  The R310 was alright but sometimes a bit dodgy as there was no shoulder to ride on in many parts.
Lets do this N2. Last time Ill be riding you for a while.

Gotta watch out for everything nowadays.

I finally hit Muizenburg and had a lekker lunch there on the beach checking out the waves. I must learn how to surf I thought. That is one of my goals for the next year. It was cool to somewhat see Table Mountain in the background which was also covered in large clouds. The trip was almost done. Just one more day.

It was an easy ride through Fish Hoek and Glencairn with the wind being with me somewhat. I arrived in Simons Town and decided to check out this one Toy Museum just for the hell of it. It was mainly a collection of about 15000 toy cars and such that the collector had collected over his life time and now felt that he wanted to put them on display. There were loads of em.  I wasn’t really that blown away regarding the items on display but the sheer amount was incredible. Plus there were some things in the details such as the small painted figurines which were interesting. I had a nice talk with the lady called Charmaine who was working there just before I left.

Ah, entropy. You get it right sometimes.

Lets check out some toys.

Quite a stackload.
Choo choo.

Come closer. Give us a hug.

Where Horatios glasses?

Cause everyone needs a Hitler. Douchebag!

Then I headed off to Boulders Beach to try and see some penguins once again. I didn’t pay to go in so I only saw 2. Plus I saw a cat that had the penguin colours also in the parking lot. Then I pushed it to just past Millers Point where I was now looking for a place to stay. I had originally thought about just making it up the hill that was nearby but had now changed my mind. I saw a house with a lovely open garden overlooking the ocean and thought it would be the best place to have my last camp. Went down and got permission before setting up my tent. The view was amazing as I just relaxed waiting for the sun to go down. It ended up being super windy and rainy but it was all good. Tomorrow I would be completing my journey.

Playing hide and seek ey?

Forever alone.

Do I sound like a penguin yet?
Oh bugger off then will you.

Smiley forever alone rock.

Solid place to have my last camp for the night.

Pretty sweet view.
Ok Cape Town weather. You got one last chance to do your worst.
Cooking up a huge 2kg batch of golden brown right there. HAHAHAHA. Cause if you gonna shoot up, you either shoot up big or not at all.
Distance 70kms

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