Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 115: Farm to the Crags.

I woke up to a day which totally revived my good spirits. After the sheer hell of the last couple days, this was sheer heaven. The sun was out and there was no wind what so ever. I knew it was still early and the wind usually picks up a little later, but this was different. It was one of those best days to ride kind of days and I loved every minute of it.
Aaaahhhhh. This day was perfect!!!!

Just before the road was to turn onto the N2 I came across a sign for a wolf sanctuary. This completely surprised me but I knew I couldn’t just ride past this so in I went. A wolf sanctuary? Here? Well the area was as good a place as any I suppose but I couldn’t help but feel these animals deserve better. Not that the sanctuary doesn’t try but its just the unfortunate reality of how these animals came to be here. Imported as exotic pets with the hopes that they will be tame or sometimes used as security animals plus other stupid reasons. This all changes when the wolves grows up and the people realize that they have a grown wolf on their hands. This place is set up to allow these animals a place to be themselves free from the horrors of their past and for that I appreciate what the sanctuary does, though I wished it had like a 100times more land to be honest. Still, they do what they can and for that I support them.

So once I paid my fee, I was led to a sound room where I listened to some facts about wolves. Plus I was joined by a very friendly cat. Then it was time to check out the different enclosures or dens. There were about 41 wolves at this place and the owners have organised the wolves into as manageable packs as possible. Each den has a pack or two that consists of wolves that get on with each other. The one pack has shy wolves, the other has more curious wolves. Some are bigger or smaller. But they all have formed into as natural social units as possible. It was amazing to see these animals as I couldn’t recall if I’d ever seen them before at a zoo or something. So I guess thats a no then. Hard to describe their natural beauty. Only thing I can say is check this place out for yourselves. I was also led to an enclosure that had a pair of semi-tame wolves. By that I mean they were hand reared by a German guy when they were cubs when he volunteered here a little while back. They are basically the only ones who have had proper human contact so are somewhat more engaging with the public. This means you can put your hand through the gate and let them sniff and lick you if they want. It was an interesting experience and I won’t lie, I kept thinking, please don’t bite my fingers off. Please. They didn’t I’m glad to say. They were fed carcasses every 2-3 days that were sponsored by the local farmers so they save cash in that area I was glad to hear. You can also organise nightly visits to see them do their howling thing plus see their eyes shine in the light. I was glad I had checked this place out and seen another beautiful type of animal though I wish they were free in the country of their origin. I had spent an hour there before getting back on the road.

Yeah, I think Im a wolf. So what? Woof.

These were the shy wolfs.

I think she was the leader.


I came to Stormsriver bridge which was flipping high before checking out The Big Tree. I was a little hesitant as I had already seen a tree but then I figured what the hell, just check it out. So R12 and about a 500m walk later, I came across the big tree. It was impressive I must say. An 800 year old Outeniqua yellow wood. It was a lekker little stop but I had to get going.

Way to high for me.

Lets go check out some tree.

Yup, thats a big tree.

This tree keeps people out of it unlike the baobad from a weeks ago.

Read and be a little more knowledgeable.

Soon I came to the Bloukrans bridge where they have the world’s highest bungee jump at 216m. That to me is shit high. I’ve don’t bungee before but only a 54m jump and even then I was kak scared. The thing that puts me off is that I cant breathe when I fall down and to me that’s not fun. Skydiving in my opinion is way better. Man, I got semi nauseas from looking over the edge. No ways was I going to throw myself off over that edge. Adrenalin junkies, go nuts.
There must be a better way to show bungy jumpy.

Not a f#ck was I gonna jump off this!!!
After that it was a gentle ride to the Crags and I was now back in the Western Cape. The whole Tsitsikama route was quite pleasant as was this route to the Crags where I would be staying at a house my friend Cat had organised. I had never actually known about the Crags area to be honest, as I had never really paid much attention to this area when I had driven past it, either by car or bus, but now by bike, you really start taking things in. The Crags isn’t so much a town but more of an area where the houses are scattered around in this lovely area with all these awesome tourists attractions and sight seeing places all over the place. Just vist and make up your own definition.
Yellow Wes-Kus!!!

I finally rolled into the place where I met a friendly guy called Dave who stayed in a smaller house down below from the main one, and he let me inside where I would be staying. I fell in love with this place. Holy moly it was sweet! The views, the setting, the peace and quite. It was serene and I would have it for the next 3 days or as long as I’d like. Fippen hell it was good to be at the Crags. Plus there was a friendly cat there too called Bertrum.
This place is awesome!!!!

Im gonna steal your soul tonight.
Distance 65kms

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