Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 85-91 Ramsgate (South Coast)

Day 85 Ramsgate Sunday
Man I love this place.
It was Sunday and we were off to Port Edward to watch the boys and Dales wife compete in the bike race. It was a lekker day but damn chilly in the beginning as we waited for them at the one coffee shop which was about the halfway point of the race. Then slowly but sure they started arriving. Dale and all his mates finished in the top 20 with one of his mates actually winning it. It seemed to be quite a lekker race with plenty of participants. Then we headed back home where everyone pretty much just relaxed but Dale and his wife had to leave for JHB so I said cheers to them, plus I also had another nap I think.
Go boys go.
The turn we were at.
Later in the afternoon I met up with another friend of mine from school, Ryan. We had a drink at Ramsgate beach where I also met his lovely wife Nancy and his two wonderful children. Was great catching up and I found out that Ryan also took part in the race this morning.
Me, Ryan and child.
Ruby Tuesday
I should get me a haricut like this. Cheers sis.
Day 86 Ramsgate Monday

The remainder of my time here was just spent relaxing. Today I took my bike to visit the Hofmanns and the Kirbys who my family has also known since we came to the coast. I also checked out my old primary school but it was locked up for school holidays.
Howzit to the Hofmanns
Best Primary School ever!!!
Day 87 Ramsgate Tuesday

Today I had a newspaper interview at the Herald which Sue Kirby had organised for me so I drove through and had a good ol talk with Judi Davis whom everyone pretty much knows if they stay on the South Coast. This was my first newspaper interview regarding this trip and it was fun to do and I looked forward to reading the article when it came out.
Interview at the Heral with Judi Davis.
Then I took the Kretzingers 3 dogs for a walk at the local beach. They had gotten a new Jack Russel puppy since I had last been there and her name was Ruby Tuesday. What an awesome name but there was also the cool named Smeagol whom known for a while now. So with this bunch I had now met Tampon, Zaptronics, Smeagol and Ruby Tuesday. The four coolest most unforgettable dog names of the trip.

Whatca looking at Smeagol. Howz about you take us to the beach instead of taking silly pictures before I bite your bearded face off?!?!
Later in the evening I met up with another high school friend Graeme and his lovely fiancé Shuvee where we caught up whilst stuffing pizza down our throats before checking out the new Superman movie. It was pretty decent I must say. It was fun to see a movie on the big screen again plus a superman film where he actually has some proper fighting showing how powerful he is(in fighting terms) unlike the past movies.

This is what pizza and Superman does to people. Me, Shuvee and Graeme.
Day 88 -91 Ramsgate Wednesday to Saturday

More relaxing and taking it easy. Read a book or two including a lovely book on Africa and its wildlife that my sister had gotten me for my birthday. Plus it was lekker to just wait out the rain a bit which cleared up by Saturday which is also the day I decided to trim the masterpiece that was my beard for the first time in 15months.

Ruby Tuesday!!!

Dig I say. DIG!!!!!

Walking dogs at the beach is always cool.

But we dont want to go home.
Some may call it heresy. I call it about damn time.

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