Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 123-124: Farm house.

I had planned to ride to Riversdale because the weather was bad but it ended up being so bad that I got permission to just stay another day. Sweet relief. The weather really rained and poured bigtime as the afternoon progressed. Man, I would have been miserable. I was now thick in the Western Cape winter weather. Eish. But right then I was so glad to just be waiting it out. So I spent the day just recovering from my upset stomach and taking it easy. Also with observing Sasha Maries homeschooling. She is the eldest daughter and is 7 or 8 years old. Sorry if I forgot Sasha Maria. If you reading this, let me know your age and I’ll update this section. Plus I also witnessed first hand just how much work it is to actually raise 3 children. Damn, it’s a lot of work!
These dogs were huge. Father is left. Kid in the middle and mom on the right.
Talk to me fire. And thanks for keeping me warm.
Definitely stay another day weather.
Later we went through to Albertinia to drop off the one guy who works for them and do some shopping. The rain was still super heavy. I then had something I had not had in many many  years, chicken soup. I had been debating my dietary beliefs over this trip and realized I would and animal that was raised and killed humanely. For me this was proper free range and a quick death from either having its head chopped off regarding chickens and such or something like game where it’s been killed instantly with a head shot. The pain must not be there. El Marie assured me this is how they raise their chickens so I gladly accepted the soup. The chicken soup was tasty and did my stomach good. I then watched Envy before falling asleep.

Distance 0kms

Day 124: Farm house

It seemed like an ok day to carry on riding so I got ready. But once I was about to leave it just turned somewhat again. So I waited inside a little to see if it would pass. It didn’t really so I was glad to get permission to stay for the day again. Day was similar to yesterday with the weather clearing up a little as it progressed. I was holding thumbs for tomorrow. I also gave Sasha Marie some of my foreign coin currency to add to her already large collection. Plus drew her a t-rex picture later in the evening.

And stay one more day weather.
My wonderful hosts.
A selection of the surrounding area follows.

Always wanting to play.

Starting to clear up.
Distance 0kms

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