Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 95: Port St Johns

Awesome view in the morning.

Decent spot ey?
I awoke to a lovely view overlooking the valley that leads to the river mouth which had this lovely blanket of mist floating down it. Plus the night was actually much warmer than the last 2 nights. Pros of being near the coast in this area. I found out about the local light house and decided to check that out after I bought some supplies at the local Boxer store. It was a short little ride to the light house along the beach before you have to enter a gated area which takes you up along the mountain side around a bit before you reach it. The view it gives you is amazing. I parked my bike there and left my bags and headed down to the rock pools below. Was a bit tricky but worth the swim I had when I was there. Then it was the tricky climb back. Then I headed back. Going down the road proved quite fun although quite short too. This would have made a killer mountain bike route if it actually stretched for a few kilometers.
Killer view from the lighthouse.
Where I planned on heading down to.
Mushroom pony.

Not falling and breaking open my skull.

Was flipping refreshing.

Rule number 29. If you go down, you must go up.

This little road was awesome to ride on but way to short.

I took a bit of a round about way getting back to the backpackers thinking I would like to have checked out second beach but that was actually way further back so I completely missed it. But little did I know I would be seeing plenty other secluded beaches in the next few days.
Instead of a mirror. Indeed!!
Endorsed by Mike Tyson, cheaper than Redbull while still tasting the same (hell all energy drinks taste the same people, just admit it) and made in Poland. The 3 reasons why I drink Black Energy!!!!!!!!!!! YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Anyways, I just chilled a bit before I decided to join a trip to go and see Magwa falls. There were two bakkies who took a bunch of us inland past Lusikisiki on a trip which was almost and hour. I did not think that it was this far but heck, it was. Was interesting seeing the road I had ridden on yesterday at the speed of bakkie. Also very chilly from the wind being blown onto my legs. I was shocked to see a dog getting ridden over by a taxi but I was even more surprised to see that it managed to get up and carry on walking as if nothing was wrong. Man I hoped so. That little incident pissed me off as I shouted to the taxi driver immediately but we were already way past so I doubt anything came of it.
Not in picture. The damn cold wind blowing past.
The third person at the back.
Lets go to Magwa Falls!!!

Last section.
Finally we came to the waterfall. It was pretty epic. The water wide streams over the edge quite nicely from a height of over a 100 metres and you can get right to the edge if you want. Like a dumb monkey I decided to lie next to the edge and take a picture. I would suffer this mild vertigo induced head ache for a little while later. You can then walk around to the other side to get a different view of the whole place which was also pretty cool. I was surprised to learn that there were the guys from Ocean Planet there too who are based in Houtbay. I kept thinking I recognize the one guy and then I saw another guy with a logo shirt or cap and then it clicked where I knew them from. I had done a seal snorkel with them last year April. I said howzit and asked what they were doing here and it turns out they were doing sardine run tours over the last few days in the area.
Magwa Falls
Thats a long way down.

Real smart Jones.

I like that colour scheme I must say.

Lets walk around and check another view.

The other view. Pretty slick.

This kid had such beautiful eyes. Tell me im wrong.
Takes only 2 people max to change a tyre. Takes many more to watch.
It was then time to head back but as we all got in the bakkie, the one 4x4 got a flat tyre. This took about an hour to fix as the wheel wouldn’t want to come off but eventually it did. It was also getting pretty damn cold and I was dreading sitting in the back again. Luckily I scored a spot in the 4x4 with the canopy and we were off. And I was now feeling vrek tired as I didn’t bring along food and drink as I had no idea how long this was going to be. I was so tired but glad to be back at the backpackers. I cleaned and ate as quickly as I could before wanting to lie down to rest a bit, as I would have liked to listen to the live music that was being played. Turns out I was too tired so I just slept through the night.

Distance 0kms

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