Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 114: J-bay to farm

It was a beautiful morning and it was wonderful to wake up to the view I had overlooking the ocean. I got ready then played a game of pool with Chaka the one Israeli guy before saying cheers and heading off. I head up to the one mall to buy some stuff before carrying on. From leaving the backpackers to leaving the mall took me and hour in this wind. I was doing mental calculations to see how far I would get today. My goal was roughly 75kms today. An hour and 10kms later I was in Humansdorp for my first rest. Again, super tedious pushing into the wind but I had to go as peacefully as possible.
Looked like soft fur blowing in the wind.

I decided to take a side road which was still pretty tough riding until I crossed the N2 about 20kms later. Was a nice view at the overpass. What made the next section bearable was that there were plenty trees and vegetation on either side of the road which acted as wind breaker. Thank god I thought. A small reprieve from the horror I had to experience over the last couple days. I made up some good distance and if I had stayed on the N2, I know I would be way further back. Hell, maybe I’d still be there in that kak wind. Part of me wanted to camp in the renewable forests that were lined up along the road but I kept pushing on. Came to the small town of Clarkson but decided to push on. I crossed the N2 again and rode for a few kms before getting a place to stay on a farm. Was stoked once again to be outta the wind.
If only I had wind breakers like this the whole way.

Crossin the N2.

Pretty awesome.
Thank goodness. Trees. Windbreakers.

I was really liking those mountains in the background and how  they added to the scenery.

Feeling like camping in those tree badboys.

Crossing the N2 again.
Boom. Sunset magic.
Well hello you two. Thanks for not tearing my face off.

We are here to bite your face. This could easily have been one of those moments where all hell could have happened.

Distance 70kms

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