Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 92: Ramsgate to just outside Bizana

The lovely Kretzingers. Thanks for the longest stay of my trip.
The weather had cleared up nicely and it was now time for me to get back on the road after my nice long weeks rest. This would be the longest rest of the trip. I thanked the Kretzingers and I was off, a little later than I wanted but these things happen. The road to Port Edward was slow up and down and I rested just before I crossed the bridge over the Mtamvuna River into the Eastern Cape.I was now once again in unfamiliar territory because even though I grew up in the area I had never been further than the River itself on the roads I would now take. It would be cool seeing this all for the first time.
Mtamvuna River
My plan was to get to Port St Johns on the third day after I left Ramsgate, with a stop in Bizana and another in Flagstaff or Lusikisiki depending on how I felt. So I was no heading inland somewhat once again into the eastern cape at the top section of what is also called the Wild Coast. This area has such wonderful landscapes consisting of rolling hills that just go on for miles and miles and all throughout the landscape is peppered with houses from the local people. Throughout my roughly 2 week ride through the Wild Coast, I find myself stopping more often that I should have just to take a picture of another incredible view which differered but was similar to the last one.  But who’s to say when and where I should or shouldn’t take a photo right?
The beginning of the Eastern Cape.
Down is good, even if it gradual.

The beginning of the rolling hills. Where I the pain in my knees started.
Just dont take call him for spelling lessons.
As with most sections heading inlands, there was a general uphill incline to the road. This would last all the way to Magusheni which I would pass the next day and it would also prove to be very tiring which I realized once I got to Port St Johns. I also wondered if I hadn’t maybe lost some fitness while resting for the last week in Ramsgate. Maybe a fraction but the rest was well deserved. I had made good distance and I was almost at Bizana but I had to admit I wouldn’t be able to make it as I was just too tired. The sun was also going down so I decided to ask the people who stayed next to the road I was on. I got the attention of a young guy who let me in and he took me to see his grandmother. She was very friendly and was also surprised at my showing up out of the blue. Again, I can totally imagine. She said she was fine with me camping in the garden but she had to get the consensus of her daughters also. Fair enough I thought. Group decision. So they came in and it was nice meeting them too. They all said yes and I was given the go ahead to camp in the garden.  Once I was up and in my tent, I was also pleasantly surprised to receive a whole bottle of Pinenut soda drink. Wasn’t expecting this but I was most grateful and it went down a treat. I also realized that since my tent had been un-used for more than a week, that there were little mold spots that had grown in a few places seeing as it wasn’t totally dry. Damn I thought. I should have let it air out when I arrived in Ramsgate as I recall there was still some moisture when I packed it in while in Pennington. I did my best to remove as much as I could but it was a lesson learnt. It was a chilly night but I was happy to have a place to stay after my first day after such a long rest.

Distance 80kms

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