Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 110: Port Alfred to Zuuney

Was a lovely sunny day to ride again but mildly chilly in the morning. Actually wore my gloves for the first time which helped a lot. The close by surrounding area was pretty lovely to ride through with only a mild wind but after the first 20kms it picked up again.  Lovely rivers I passed over much like yesterday before the area became Clover country and the greens and hillside were quite beautiful. The pictures can’t really capture the greens of this place while I was riding through.
Right, lets do this.

My fingers are wondering why the hell im only wearing gloves now.
Got to keep that one leg rolled up to avoid getting caught in the gears.

I arrived in Alexandria and bought some stuff at the one store before doing a little status update on the store managers smartphone. Then I was pushed on for another 25kms before I had to find a place to stay. I saw one place which looked alright but felt like pushing on a little further. A few minutes later I saw a car turn into this one driveway and thought I'd give it a bash. I was met by an elderly woman named Marie. A very sweet woman, who was happy to let me stay but it was also her husbands decision too. I was told he was a little reluctant at first as is his right to be skeptical, but I after I actually spoke to Chris and told him I had no intentions other than to just camp in the garden, he said it was fine. They then decided to let me stay in the spare bedroom. Again, I was most grateful.

These pics do not do the scenery here justice. Just imagine it was more greener.

That grass was so soft. Could have almost fallen asleep there.

Ok, time to find a place to sleep.
After putting my stuff in the house, I had a coffee with them and a chat that was very revealing as towards their original attitude which explained everything. Chris ran a little cafĂ© out in the front of the house that the local farmers could get to for odds and ends. This is because it is quite a distance to the next store. Last one I saw was when I was in Alexandria 25kms ago. They also filled me in on some of the unfortunate crime incidents that they had gone through. Without going into much detail, I was quite shocked by what I heard about multiple robberies at gunpoint with firings sometimes. Thankfully no one was killed but hell, to go through what they did, I could only imagine. Clearly they had gone through a lot and I totally understood his reservations about letting a stranger such as myself in. I was shocked that in such an amazing area there would be incidents like this, but the reality is that these things can actually happen anywhere. I was pleased to share supper with them and their one son was also there. Plus they had 3 dogs which also added some pet flavor. 
Yay, place to stay sorted.
Im a tree and I stay in Zuuney. Right you are.

Distance 77kms

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