Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 109: Gcinisa to Port Alfred

My room for the night.
Outside.My room was the one on the left.
The lovely Mbendeni family with Pumza in the middle.
I woke up to a sunny with better skies than I had expected compared to yesterday. I thanked Pumza and headed off. Much like yesterday, it was pretty straightforward before the wind picked up again and hour or two before lunch time. Just die wind!!! Or blow in the opposite direction. That would be most helpful. I rode over another handful of rivers that flowed into the ocean this side and admired the nice houses that were built all along their banks. Wouldn’t mind having one of those houses I thought. The other thing I noticed was that there was actually very minimal shoulder to ride on. The road wasn’t too busy so it wasn’t a major problem. I also met the man from yesterday who was doing some more plant maintenance but obviously on another section. We had another nice little chat and he told me all about how he told his wife about meeting me, and how super interested she was, with like a hundred questions. I hardly meet the same people twice so when I do, its pretty cool.

Saying howzit to Wesley again.

I think this is the Great Fish river.

Looking back.
I finally arrived in Port Alfred tired and wind broken. I have to admit that I didn’t have a proper cycling jacket for the wind. My red rain windbreaker keeps me warm with the wind out, but the sweat from the exhaustion from riding in the wind is doubled by the enclosure the jacket provides. So then I take it off to cool down only to end up getting cold from the wind. Best scenario was riding with my sleeves up with the zipper down a little. So after a little shopping I headed for the police station. Was cool checking out the harbor as I rode by before swing right and finding the police station. I was given the go ahead after a little waiting and speaking to a few people and in the end they actually offered me the Victims support house for the night. This was a little wendy house set up for victims of spousal abuse who could take refuge for a little while, till they could sort somewhere else to stay. I accepted as I considered myself a victim of wind abuse. Haha. Not really. The inside had everything I needed except a bed but that wasn’t a problem as I had my mat and sleeping bag and such. I was just glad to have a shower before I made some soup which I thought was the perfect meal on this chilly night. It was. I ate myself full and enjoyed turning in for the night.
Yay. not happy to have people watching me take pics of myself. Hahah.
Shelter sweet shelter.
Distance 60 kms

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