Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 104: Ciko to Centane

I had a super filling breakfast thanks to the Dyomfana family and I thanked them all before heading off on what was another clear day.
Cheers goats.
Was a slow climb into Willowvale where I did a spot of shopping before carrying on. Days riding was much the same as the previous ones though the main gripe was the head wind I was now riding into. Made some hills quite tough but it all got done and it was nice to be able to see the ocean in the distance once again. I met a man called Bramo and we talked about things in general and he asked my opinion of this area in general. I told him it was a wonderful place to ride through with wonderful people but also that from what I noticed the service delivery was virtually none. He agreed and told me to be on the lookout for how that changes when I pass over into the next municipal area. He wished me well then left.

Flippen awesome.

Seriously, F#ck this wind!!!!
I finally arrived in Centane and rolled into the Police station which was at the bottom of the town and secured a place to sleep for the night in the back area.

Distance 50kms

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