Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 111: Zuuney to Port Elizabeth

Saying cheers to Marie and Chris.
When I took my bike out the room outside I saw that the back tube was flat again. Great. But I got it sorted chop chop. Just a bit irritating as you want to ride, but it’s better to have it sorted before so it’s all good later. Thanked the Van Niekerks and off I was. Bit of a hilly start getting through the somewhat clover valley I was in but it was beautiful as always which made it somewhat pleasant, with some of the most beautiful greens areas I had ever seen.
Looks pretty lekker.
Dunno what the hell all these tyres are for. If anyone knows please let me know.
Pic is getting close to the actual representation. But dont stop imagining it more greener.
Thats where you milk comes from. Well some of it.
I was back on the N2 after about 24kms and soon passed the lovely little town of Colchester. After that the road was pretty flat with only a mild wind which made for pleasant riding, a welcome change from the previous days wind. Hell it sucked. But I still had more coming. Hahaha. Yes, indeed puny meatbag.
Lekker downhill heading towards Colchester.

A little bit before PE.

PE in the distance.
After I passed the first outside suburb section of PE I took the beach bike path that ran along with all the dolosses on the left. This was way safer than the main road. I carried on and kind of went through a restricted area which ran along a railway which I had to eventually hop over.
Dolosse check.

It was then a little bit of a mission navigating the main road overpasses and such before I finally and safely got to the police station. Note to people riding bikes on the main road. Don’t ride on the main road. And don’t stop to take pictures either. So I was happy to be at the police station and out of the wind. I got the go ahead to camp in the garden which was big enough and was I happy to call it a day. I crossed my fingers and hoped the weather would be awesome tomorrow.

Port of Port.
Maybe you should get the hell off the main road instead of taking photos. Bloddy narcisist.

Distance 70kms

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