Friday 6 September 2013

Day 59: Hoedspruit to garden near Echo Caves

It was now finally time to leave this awesome place in Hoedspruit and get going. Check out if you interested in visiting. I could have stayed there forever, seriously. I got a lift to the main road with Shirly who was headed into town so I was happy I didn’t have to back track the 8km dirt I had taken 5 days ago. I was now on my way to the mountain range I was somewhat dreading. I had no idea how far I would get today seeing as I was headed towards a mountain range so all that was left to do was just go and see how far I get. The first 20kms were fairly straight forward before the big uphill push to JG Strijdom tunnel. By the time I got there I was soaked in sweat and I thought it would be a longer tunnel for some reason but it was about 100metres or so. On the other side I asked for some water which I have given some ice cold water from a friendly lady who was selling curios plus I also met a fun French couple who were busy doing a tour of the land. The lady was super happy as she was dancing and jiving and just having fun. I was asked if there was anything I needed but said I was ok thanks, but I accepted the fruit I was given. Always good to have fruit.  I said cheers and was back on my way.

Somewhat at the time. Always rewarded with a great view.
Gotta go through it.
Sweat pig with a wonderful lady who handed me some ice cold water.
Sweat pig with couple from France. Bonjour.
 The road was a little flatter now and I came to an open area atop the mountain range where there was a small village or town. The road took me through it and then onto another slow ascent on the other side. Again, I became sweat pig. But as with all uphills, they eventually have to go down so I was finally treated to a huge long downhill on the other side. It was so relieving to do nothing.

Litte stream which woulda made this sweat pig hella happy.
Gotta get winding.
Cheers stream.
Sweat Pig!!!!!
Lets downhill!!!!!
This took me down into a somewhat open valley where I decided to check out the Echo Caves I had been told about. This was another little detour that took me off the main road and away from the turnoff I would be taking the next day.  So after about a 4km gravel road I came to the Echo Caves and went it. I noticed there were chalets or rooms to stay and a restaurant etc. I went and paid for my tour and I went in with my tour guide who was a very friendly lady. The overall tour was over quite quick and it wasn’t as exciting as I had thought but it was pleasant enough thought it did get a bit chilly down there. Apparently there are up 16kms of unexplored caverns that could still be mapped out and possibly open up for further investigation. Now that would be a cave tour.

Echo Caves entrance.
Deeper we go.
Earth teeth.
Just look.
Possesion. Step into the light meatbag.
Getting a bit chilly now.
The light, at last.
Looking back.
All around us.
My lovely tour guide.
Heading back to the main road.
Wrong country birds.
It was now about 3:30pm and I was off back to the road but I decided that I can’t actually go on any further. The up hills had sapped all my strength and it was now time to find a place to stay. I headed back up the road towards the turnoff I would take and I managed to get a garden to sleep in from a lovely family who were actually renting from the owners of the Echo Caves apparently. Nice little coincidence. I was again offered some dinner which I scoffed down and a shower which I definitely welcomed to rid me of all that pig sweat I was covered in from the hill riding today. I returned to my tent to find Mia the pitbull was keeping my sleeping blanket warm for me. Such a lovely dog. I got her out the tent and called it a day.
Splinter Cell dog and Mia the Pitbull wanting to keep me company.

Distance 42kms

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