Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 93: Bizana to Flagstaff

Thanks again Ntloko family. For the stay and the delicous pinenut.
It was great to feel the sun again and I was off after thanking the Ntloko family for the stay. I quickly made it through Bizanana and eventually reached Magusheni after another tedious stretch of uphill, but was glad as it was now a generaly downhill to the coast. But only very generally as I would find out as there were still plenty plenty hill to get over in order to go down. I realized I was actually quite tired when I stopped at Magusheni and was even thinking about staying at the local garage where I was but there was no water available so I pushed on.
Aprroaching Magusheni.

Ah what lovely open space.
 So I knuckled down and just pushed my way to Flagstaff where I got a place to stay at the police station. I was sorted out quite quickly and they were glad that I was staying here as they were concerned for my safety. 
Nothing like a burnt piece of land.

Two of the friendly staff at Flagstaff police station.

Distance 60kms

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