Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 130-131: Hermanus to Strand

It was another raining day when I woke up. Was told I could have stayed but felt like I needed to push on. I was at the point now where I was really just wanting to finish this journey. Its kinda silly wanting something as amazing as this whole trip to end but that’s just how I felt in parts. Part of the journey was to actually complete it as that was my goal so it had to be complete, if that makes sense. I thanked the Vorsters and was off once again. And like clockwork it started raining. I was needing to pee quite a lot once I took off as the two cups of coffee I drunk earlier were now working their way through my system. I stopped at SANSA, the South African National Space Agency as I didn’t know this was actually here and it looked interesting.  Today was Wednesday and it was the only day they do tours, but I was not going to stay till 11am for it to start so I just checked out the main monitors in the hall way area. Some cool stuff with real time images of the sun. If ever I’m in Knysna on a Wednesday at 11am Ill give the tour another chance.
Chow little dog.
Thanks again you two. Stay was sweet like honey. haha, then I was kicked out for such a lame joke. Joking.
Science that happens in space is observed in the space inside there.

Another cloud burst happened as I headed inland a bit before turning towards Kleinmond. Did some shopping there and had a lekker rest while I waited out some of the rain. Was pretty chilly standing outside. The I rode into Bettys Bay which looked like quite a lekker chilled place. Houses scattered all over the place with some amazing views. I came to the end of Bettys Bay and while resting met a guy called Ralph and his kids. He was a wonderful guy who was interested in what I was doing and offered me a tour of Bettys Bay which I accepted. I had thought I was done with gravel roads 3 days ago but I was on them again but this time for the last time. Little trek was nice as he showed me the residence of another well known adventurer before I said thanks and carried on with my journey.

Invisible whale route is more like it.


Entering Bettys Bay.

Looking back at Bettys Bay.
It was almost 3 and I still had about 30-35kms to go before I reached Strand and I was told that the road leading there along the coast was like Chapmans Peak. That kinda freaked me out as I was imagining big hills and such while trying to remember Chapmans from when I rode it more than a year ago but it turned out to be amazing with no need to have fretted about it in the first place. It was a bit of a slow trek getting to the coast due to the wind but it was so great once I was there. The setting suns rays through the clouds with ocean to my left with these rock faces to my right. And the road wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. It was epic and I was stoked to have been there at that time.
Yeah, lets get this last section sorted.

This section was pretty awesome!!!

Aaaaaaaaah!!!! Well done puny meat bag sweat pig. You are almost home.

I finally arrived in Strand after 10 hours on the road and it was good to see my pal Johan whom I would be staying with. We popped out for some food before cooking it up. Was good to be in Strand.

Ooooh. Take a shower already or get the hell out!
Distance 90kms

Day 131: Strand

Stayed in Strand. Got a moerse headache as I lay in bed too long. Was raining outside big time but it cleared up and I went out to get me a new an extra memory card as I had just filled up my last one yesterday. Spent the rest of the day reading and browsing through magazines before Johan came back. Then we checked out the movie Pacific Rim which was flipping awesome. Giant robots fighting giant monsters never looked so good.
This stuff is soo goooood. Who knew a mans suffering could taste so good.

Distance 0kms

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