Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 94: Flagstaff to Port St Johns

Right, today I would hit Port St Johns. I had made good progress over the last 2 days so there was no reason I wouldn’t be able to make it there later in the afternoon. Still plenty of up and down hills like I mentioned but I was glad to feel the general decline of the land heading towards the ocean. This made it much easier and more enjoyable. Once again, the scenery was amazing seeing all this open space filled with hills and houses all over the place.(anyone spot the oxymoron there?)
Looking back at Fagstaff.
Lets ride.

Had a little chat with this lady. She was visiting from Kokstad. I love these kids expressions.
Dig it.
Enjoy your stay my friend.
Seem legit.
See more pics of rolling hills. Place is pictoriphic. I claim that word.

When I was about 10kms from Port St Johns (PSJ) I had to rest. I also realized just how cold my legs were. I could feel the cold in my knees especially. The day had been fairly warm but once the sun starts setting, and you riding in the shade a bit, with the coastal air hitting you, it gets cold. I knew I would have to get some long pants soon when I could to ride in. But right now I knew I had to just get to PSJ which wasn’t that far away really. It turned out to be quite a nice downhill as I headed down towards the Mzimvuba river mouth where PSJ was located. It was also nice to see the mountainous rock faces as I was getting closer to the cost.
Happy but tired and chilly with cold knees.
Ah getting there.
Looking good looking good.
Once by the river it was pretty flat all the way along it as one rides into town. Plus it was pretty chilly again as I was now in the shade of the mountain beside me. Finally I was in PSJ. Couple of my friends had always been fishing here in the past but I had never checked this place out so I was glad to finally be here. I took my time to enjoy the ocean a bit before sussing out a place to stay. I eventually settled for Jungle Monkey backpackers and it was a good call. It was a prime spot, with all the trimmings and was very affordable especially if you camping. Plus the people there were all super friendly. It was great to have hit my target after 3 days. Now I could just enjoy a nice shower, a fat chow and some talk with whoever was there. Plus it was so awesome to sit around the awesome fire that they got going. I had decided to stay an extra day to check out a few things.
Mzimvuba river.
There is an airstrip atop that pile of rock.
Almost there.
This cow oozes style.
Ah the ocean once more.

This place is awesome. Time to celebrate with a stick of my favourite.
Distance 75kms

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