Saturday 7 September 2013

Day 64: Komatiepoort to Swaziland, Managa border post.

After getting a few supplies I was now off in the direction Swaziland. I had now decided to ride through the Eastern part of the country before looping up around the Jozini dam once I was back in South Africa then heading towards Ponta Do Oura, then taking the coast all the way back to Cape Town.

It was a fairly pleasant and much safer ride compared to yesterday, although I had to be on the lookout for the many sugarcane trucks that were using this road. Plus I always had my eye on the road for any sticks that had fallen off the trucks which I could eat when I wanted. And you dont need that stupid 5 second rule with sugar cane. If it looks good enough to eat, then pick it up and eat it.
I love how it is just a gate, with no walls or fence on either side.
When life hands you suger cane, chow down.
Grow grow grow.
I liked how the smoke merged into the cloud or just became cloud like.
Water equals life.
 A little before the border.
I eventually arrived at the Mananga Border gate and went through easily enough. The wind had also started to blow quite a bit and it looked as if it was going to rain. It did. I had decided to camp on the Swaziland side of Mananga seeing as I didn’t want to be riding into a head wind in the hopes of reaching the next town in order to try my luck at the police station. I was given permission to camp next to the one building but then I was given the option to actual camp inside of those large containers that the massive ships transport all over the world. The reason was that the people there were concerned about the weather approaching and how my tent would hold up. I assured them it would be fine but I then agreed with them so I took my tent inside. The container had been split into two sections with the one being used as an office of somekind. I took my stuff to the back. So I was now in a tent in a container in Swaziland with the weather howling outside. Lekker lekker.
Stay in a container. Check.
Distance 57 kms

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