Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 125: Farm house to Heidelburg.

The day was windless and partly cloudy and I wasted no time in getting ready. The Groblers were going to Jakani Reserve. Sasha said I must come with which would have been awesome but I felt I had to get riding again. I was also showed something quite fnny and interesting. Elmarie or Sasha found a tick on the floor and told me to look as they held it up to their dogs noses. The dogs then curled their lips up in disgust and shook their heads. Id never seen this before. Was so cool. I then said goodbye with enormous thanks at having been a guest for the last 3 days and I will never forget the amazing hospitality I experienced.

Turns out it was a good day to ride as I could see the clouds get thinner in the distance. Rode past Albertinia and got to Riversdale at 1pm with wonderful cloudy landscapes all the way. About 15kms from Heidelberg I met Jeremy again. I had met him a few days earlier when I arrived in George and I was outside the PiknPay and it was lekker to say howzit again. He gave me the details of the place he runs in Wilderness which is a pretty slick looking getaway lodge called. He also handed me a bag of peacan nut balls. They looked and were delicious and I thanked him as he left.
Time to get going.

I did indeed.

Slowly does it now.

What a delicious name.

Can a river be dry. I mean if its dry it cant technically be a river then right?

Arrived in Heidelberg just after 3pm with the idea of pushing on, I changed my mind after resting. I was not in the mood. Sometimes rest does that too you. I was told no at the police or rather that I must come back at 6 to get permission of those that were on night shift but I ended up not going back. After a couple houses I found one with no gate and an open garage. I knocked and spoke to the owner who was friendly enough and let me camp in the garage. After I had set up my tent and about 10 minutes he came out again saying he hadn’t really thought this through. Haha. Just please dont tell me to leave. Please. His main concern was whether I would use his garden as a toilet. Valid skepticism but I assured him I would do no such thing and that if needed to relieve myself, I would knock so that I could actually use the bathroom. This was okay for him.
Could have a been a little quieter.
My ground for the night.
Distance 75kms

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