Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 101: Tafelahashe to Mpozolo Clinic

After getting all my things together I was given a tour of where Allan keeps his 6 beehives with most of them on the roofs around the place. I decided then that I will get me a bee hive sometime in the future so that I can enjoy that delicious honey. Allan gave me a section of honeycomb for my trip and I said cheers to him and everyone else before I carried on.

So getting me one of these one day.
Thanks for the stay everyone.
My sweet treat. Nibbled on this through out the day.
The road winded towards the coast with the road ending at Bulungula Lodge but I would not be going that far as that would mean I would have to do a major back track in order to carry on. Plus I was at the The Kraal so to me that was like a mini Bulungula. For those of you interested, check it out online. So after 8kms or so I swung right onto some very off road paths.  This was now proper proper adventure cycling. Lekker windy roads where the roads were pretty bad for cars but great for cycling. This short cut took me down to a broken bridge before a little uphill push. I thought this was the big push, but I was wrong. This came about 30mins later. Just before the big push the road was interrupted by some major mud that had slid over it. There was just no ways a car could get over this but with a bike, all that’s needed was some pushing. It was now time to do the hill from hell. This thing was so steep it may have well have been vertical. Holy shit! Its only saving grace was that it had brick work laid down underneath it so I could have some grip when pushing up. Finally I was at the top and out of breath.
Lets get adventure cycling again.
Ok, I'm on the short cut.
Looking good.
Rugged and lovely.
Still good.
Coming up shortly.
Slowly does it.
Nothing a bike cant handle.

Only thing I had a problem was that this was uphill.
Last little obstacle before the final push.
You shitting me right!?
This hill was insane. Insane!!!!
It was then onto a couple kilometers of gentler up and downs before I got to the top of a section warning about a dangerous mountain road. This only made me excited as I took off on what was an awesome 6kms downhill. I crossed a bridge at the bottom of the valley and rested for a while before having to do the massive climb on the other side. It was a slow climb and at the top I decided to call it a day at Mpozolo clinic. I was granted permission to camp besides the building and was also asked if I was the same cyclist who was here about a year ago. Definitely not my friend. After chow I called some friends before going into the clinic to have my phone charge a bit while I watched some tv with the night security guards before turning in.

Ah flatness at last.

Gotta love the energy of kids.
You kids are lucky I never attended Hogwarts or else I wouldve learned a steal energy spell. Still, their energy gave me energy.

Gotta take em pics.
Ill take one of you.
You take one of me.
So this is gonna be awesome right. Oh yeah!
This just goes down down down for like 6kms.
 A little village I had to pass going down.
The middle point.
Now I gotta go uphill.
Just took it slowly.
And I got there.
Boom. Mpozolo clinic was just behind me.
Plus there were some naughty goats hanging around the clinic.

Those eyes.
Just trying to keep out of the drizzle that was starting to happen.
Distance 30kms

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