Monday 2 September 2013

Day 45: Tom Burke to Maasstroom

My plan to cycle to Gregory was shot down pretty quickly. There was no ways I could keep up the average I had achieved over the last 3 days. I felt tired almost immediately and adjusted my pace accordingly. It was also scorchingly hot, again. I arrived in the super small town (if you can even call it that) of Swartwater after about 30kms to rest. It was a mission to get going again but I had to. Sooner than I thought I ended up resting again (it was kak hot remember) at a little place off the side of the road. I cant remember the name of the place but it was small adventure style lodge thingy. Anyways, I just asked to sit in the garden in some shade for a while. I was met by the biggest great dane I had ever seen. Thing was massive but like all em danes, super friendly and chilled. Once I felt rested enough, I wasn’t really I pushed on. Part of me had wanted to ask to camp where I was but I didn’t.
Cant take anything away as this place was empty.
Tree, Again awesome!
Look at the size of this dogs head.
Who knows what that dog was thinking with those eyes.
Eventually I arrived in Maasstroom which I think now took the title of smallest town I passed through. After resting and seeing if there was a shop open, I for somereason headed off again, but immediately turned off road again heading towards a building. A passing motorist noticed me and said there was no one there. I told him I was looking for a place to stay. He said go back and ask at the general store a couple meters back. So I did and there I met a guy who took me to his father the owner who would let me camp outside his house for the night. I had only done 64kms today but hell I was tired, but glad to call it a day. I pitched my tent just outside their property as they had dogs so it was a no go. No problem there. Once settled they came over to chat a bit after closing time, chatted and invited me in for shower if I wanted. The father thought I was mad doing what I was doing plus he mentioned something about another cyclist he had met in the past doing something similar.
Maasstroom. This place was so tiny.
First time camping back in SA.
So after I chowed, I went in to shower and I was also invited to sit down and enjoy a sparberry float. Yes please. Get that sugary rich deliciousness in my pie hole. It was an interesting story behind the sparberry float ritual that I was partaking in. Mr. Grobbelaar told me that he had quit smoking a while ago and now treated himself every 3 days to a 2 litre sparberry and 2 litre ice cream to make his soda float. At first I thought, he had just traded nicotine and tar addiction for a sugar one which I mentioned but not so bluntly, but he said its fine as they work hard in this area so they will burn up all the sugar etc. I wasn’t there to argue as I enjoyed 2 glasses of the stuff and he was adamant that I enjoy it. It was potent! I could see how one could drink this regularly. Plus I don’t think he consumed all of it all the time. It was a treat to be shared and that’s what he did. With me and his son. Mr. Grobbelaar also mentioned that it was good to treat oneself during one’s life every now and then so this is what he did. Won’t argue with that so case closed. Wish I could have had one of those soda floats at the end of every days ride as I’m sure I would have benefitted somehow. So after my sweet treat I headed back outside to my tent for the night. It would turn out to be a chilly one again.

Distance 64kms

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