Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 106-107: Kei Mouth to East London

It was a cold night and I woke up with a bit of an upset stomach. I was looking forward getting to East London as I had a place to stay sorted out and off I went. It was a bit of an uphill leaving Kei Mouth and it would only get worse. I was pretty much plagued the whole day by my upset stomach and was burping and farting the whole way to East London. The road from Kei Mouth to East London proved to be quite hellish as I was riding into a strong and chilly headwind. I swear I thought that road would never end. All I wanted to do was get onto the N2 as a somewhat halfway checkpoint but hell it took long doing that. I was also grateful to Sharon for giving me an energy drink when Domoneys drove past.

Just a littel bit out of Kei mouth.
Didnt expect to see a grounded plane in this area.
The aptly named.
Fianlly I got on the N2 and it was slightly better and I had a little more energy as I had reached my first goal for the day.The day tired me out quicker than I thought, thanks to the wind and I wondered if I would get to East London at all. I was headed towards the suburb of Beacon bay which was thankfully on the upper side of East London. About 7kms from the turnoff I was met by a guy called Scotty who was super friendly and really enthusiastic about what I was doing. He offered me a lift and money and anything else in order to help me out somehow, but I thankfully declined saying I had enough cash and that I was almost at my checkpoint as getting a lift would be cheating. I can’t tell you enough how much meeting him helped. His sheer excitement was incredible to experience and I thanked him and rode on with a renewed sense of energy.

I finally rolled into the home of the Domoneys after a solid 8 hour ride and I was finished but glad to have gotten there. I drank a med lemon as quick as I could to prevent any cold or flu that may have developed from riding in the wind, plus it helped with the aches and pains. I also got the okay to stay for an extra day so I was stoked about that as I headed off to the camper van to sleep after a lekker supper.

Me and the Domoneys. Cheers for the stay and good vibes.
Camper van.
Distance 85kms

Day 107: East London

Day was a nice relaxing one. Went to brunch at a place in Gonubie which was lekker. Then we backtracked to a shopping mall where I got me some long riding pants and I did a sim swop. I could have gotten a cheap phone but I decided against that as I had one waiting for me in Cape Town. Turns out I didnt but I would only find that out when I got there. My mom had given it to Wataru when he was down. I would just have to do my status updates where I could, with whatever computer or smartphone was available to me thanks to the kindness of strangers. I was quite adamant that the pants I was looking to buy would be water proof as I was going into the rainy winter section of the Western Cape. I was told that they were. Lies as I was to find out. Still, they did the trick in keeping my knees warm enough from the constant wind I would feel for the next few days. Then we headed back home. It was nice to see some more of East London as I only knew it from the bus trips that stop near the beach front and nothing much else. After supper we headed out for some Put Put mini golf which was great.

Distance 0kms

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