Friday 6 September 2013

Day 61: Camp near Gods Window to forest just outside Sabie.

I awoke to a fact which lead to a potential realization. Fact: I woke up and it was misty everywhere. Realization: Probably not going to see anything at Gods Window. I was right. I quickly cycled the distance and pulled into parking lot. Mist was still there. Mmmm. So I checked out the place and saw pretty much nothing. Well technically not nothing, just more mist.Yeah Yeah semantics. All that talk about seeing on a clear day all the way to Maputo was now replaced by the misty reality that it was. Oh well, cant win em all Jones. I checked out the lil forest walk which was actually even better thanks to the mist. I decided to let God off the hook for that one. Plus, I shouldn’t be hinging my happiness on expectations. I left Gods Window vowing never to return ever, by bicycle that is. It was a short ride into Graskop and the mist was clearing up now. Thanks for waiting till I was gone God. ‘My pleasure puny meatbag’.
Soaking in irony and mist, and biting my tongue.
Meat bag in the mist.
Mist did make it cool though.
The silver lining.
How it should be.
Glad you enjoying it meatbag.
Time to head back.
Where you swamp thing? Show me your Green powers.
Maybe the mist will have cleared up in the next 2 minutes.
Nope. There somewhere there, there lies something.
Chilly cold sweat pig meat bag. Pondering this whole scenario.
You what goes well with mist? More mist. Yes, lets add more mist.
I was then rewarded with another flat tyre as I reached the town. Hahah. You got jokes God. ‘And never forget that puny meatbag’. So I rolled into town and chowed down two veg rotties and proceeded to fix my tyre. Within one minute of leaving on a nice downhill, I heard this bursting sound underneath me, followed by a disturbing friction sound. I came to a stop as quick as I could and saw that the back tube had somehow grown a huge bubble that had forced itself out the side of the tyre and the rim. WTF!!! “That’s the last one for today puny meat bag.’ ‘You promise?!’ ‘Hey dude, I’m God. A promise I make is a promise I keep.’ I quickly proceeded to sort the tube out and made sure it wasn’t punctured or anything then packed it in properly this time making sure there was no section of it pinched inside maybe. Because by this time there was a small crowd with pitchforks gathering around me. The image of a lone cyclist talking to God on the side of the road was enough to raise suspicions. I avoided eye contact as I made my exit out the town.
Early morning obvious attempt at humour.
Now it clears up.
I was now on my way to Sabie. The route was fairly pleasant with all the winding roads and forested areas. I stopped at MacMac Falls which was a pleasant site before getting into lets find a place to sleep mode. I wasted some time debating whether I should camp at the MacMac pools before pushing on. I realized it would be cool to maybe camp somewhere in these renewable forests. I stopped about 7kms from Sabie when I saw guy busy placing branches and stuff around a mini nursery. I enquired if I could possibly pitch my tent in the small open space next to the nursery. He asked when I would be leaving. When I damn well please as I placed a boot in his face. To the crazies, that again didn’t happen. I told him about 8am the next morning and he was ok with that. Cool. So I set up camp next to the road again in the border of a renewable forest.
Leaving Graskop.
Left was the right way for me.
Lets do this.
Enjoyed this area quite a lot.
Curves and downhills.
You stand out tree.
MacMac falls. Pretty stunning.
Good things these bars are here cause I just want to throw myself over the edge. No, not really.
1 point if you can guess this one.
The viewing ground. This is mostly overhang.
Checking out the other side.
Passing or just passed the MacMac pools.

Distance 30kms

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