Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 77: Ballito to Durban North

Go well. Hehe. First garage camp of the trip.
I would be staying with my pal Heath in Durban North today so I took my time getting there. First thing I did was get onto the M4 thinking it was safer than the N2. It was in parts but also worse. The vegetation during some section was so overgrown that it totally obscured the shoulder for me to ride in, causing me to ride in the main section with the cars. This was not what I wanted at all and I had to take my time navigating some tricky sections. I checked out a beach or two also. I also had a little conversation with some bloke who was passing the same bridge I was. He gave me ten bucks and a rosary. Cool, I can use the ten bucks. Dunno about the rosary though. If anyone wants a rosary I from a complete stranger, let me know. It glows in the dark too.

I wanna see this place blow up. Some decent graf on it in places, but I still wanna see it blow up.

So I eventually arrived in Durban North and made my way to Virginia Airport where I met Heath whom I hadn’t seen since just after high school. He was now working as a helicopter pilot for the Netstar recovery company tracking bad guys from the sky. Was cool catching up and seeing where he works and checking out all the planes and choppers that were in the hangar where he works. He was still on duty till the evening so I just headed on to his place where I met his lovely fiancĂ© Stacey Lee and their cute little rabbit Roofus.
Later in the evening, we were visited by another pair of high school friends Stefan and Nadine whom I also hadn’t seen since just after high school.  It was cool to catch up and say howzit after so long and I was glad that everyone was doing well. All in all, I was glad to be back in Durban for a little while.

So Heath, hows about a joyride? Chopper style.
Its what I never knew I wanted.

Distance 43kms

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