Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 118:The Crags Hike

I had breakfast then a coffee with David while he told me about a hike I could do. It would start at Archers rock where I would go along the lagoon that was there before going up a pathway that led up to the top before coming down to the beach on the other side. I think he said it would take about 3-4hours or so. That sounded like a long enough time to do a hike. Hahaha. Yes that did sound like a long enough time, but little does puny meat bag know what was in store for him. HAHAHHA!!!!

I got to Enricos at about 10am ready with some water and sarmies. Then I headed out to Archers rock again. It was closer than I thought compared to 2 nights ago because I was walking at my pace this time.

Right, lets do this.

Archers Rock.

Then I headed up along the lagoon and found the path that one can easily miss. This took me to the top of the area where I had a beautiful view of the beaches and ocean all around me. It was amazing.
Somewhere there is the path.
Found it. Lets go.

That. Is. Awesome!!

Still full of early start energy.
Then I headed down to the beach on the other side. This is where plans changed. For some reason I had thought that since I was doing good for time, I couldn’t possibly be done with this hike regarding the time that David had given me. So with that in mind I carried on.

Heading down.

Had a little rest here.

Go ahead and use that toilet, I dare ya.
This is a shower. Didnt work.
Ok, back on the beach. That was quicker than I thought. Must mean I must carry on.

I added about 3 pieces to this work in progress.

I went along the beach and up another section. Again I was at the top. Then I followed a path, that took me way away from the beach that led me into some forest section, into a valley and all sorts of other places. I rested at one place before heading back to the one road with the goal to just somehow get back to the beach and just follow it from there back to Enricos.

Thats my wrist.

I wonder if this is ever used or will be finished.
Lets go inland.

Right it is.
Swamp Thing.
What the top green layer consists of.


Ok, lets get the hell out of here.
Heading towards the beach.
But for some reason I took another right turn that led me down to a valley with a stream where I rested. Another bust. Then I backtracked again before taking the proper road and I was happily back on the beach.

Wrong again. Part of me wanted to just follow the stream and see if that would take me to the beach.

Keep moving beat bag. Beach is that away. Hermit, the ever informative asshole.

At f#cken last.
Plus here is some rope I can hang myself after all that mission. Just kidding.
Not really the beach I was expecting. Had to admit at this point I had gone way further than planned.
I couldn’t possibly get lost if I followed it back now. That was what also threw me. If it was a normal beach for the rest of the way, it would have been no problem but this section in front of me wasn’t. It had loads of rocks to go over and steep path ways to navigate. This all took super long and one section was quite dodgy. So much so that there was a warning sign that the area was closed. But there was no ways I was going to back track so I pushed through. I was lucky to find a piece of cane to use as a support, then I found another piece of wood for full support. Hell I was getting tired now.

Slowly does it.

This section was the closed off section and I had to literally do some rock climbing stuff here.
Had to jump this.

And slowly go down this section. Plenty lose rocks here.

Kak tired. That stick there was a lifesaver.

Had to hop along those rocks.

Getting ready to hop those rock when the timing was right. Like being a kid again.

Archers Rock top right. Beach end at last!!!
Finally I got back to Enricos after a total of 8hours. Wow, that was so much longer than I had expected. I was so tired and had no food and water as I had finished that an hour ago or more. I had to get something in me so I got a coke. It did the trick. Then it was a slow ride back to the house. I got there after dark so it was a little dodgy riding on the N2 again without my helmet and reflector jacket. Looking back it was an awesome hike overall even though not really well planned but I managed it welll enough. Next time, enough food and water.


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