Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 127: Camp to farm near Elim

Flippen good weather to start riding in.
Woke up from a chilly night but it wasn’t as bad as the night befores. I also saw that there was some bird crap on my tent cover. Great. It was an easy 18km ride to Bredasdorp where I stopped to buy some supplies before getting on the road towards Cape Agulhas. The road was a bit dodgy as there was virtually no shoulder. Plus some asshole driver at one point was hooting as he came up from behind me. What the hell, I thought. Just pass around me like all the other decent drivers. Dumbass. It was also through quite a flat area and I saw just how much it had rained over the last few days as there was water everywhere in places. I think this road was actually closed at one point but luckily not today.

Approaching Bredasdorp.
Glad I missed the rain that did this.

And this
And this.

Finally and safely arrived in Cape Agulhas and it was a rather chilled coastal holiday town. I made note of the backpackers I saw just in case I may need that later. I was off to Lil Agulhas to check out the southern most point of Africa which was about 7kms away. I also stopped to check out the southern most gnome but he was no where to be found. At this point when I arrived outside Lil Agulhas, I thought why do we as people celebrate such things? Really? It’s the southern most point of Africa and here is this mini industry created around it. So what really? I thought about my 7000kms I had reached yesterday and also questioned if that was really anything to be glad about. It was wasn’t. Just experiencing all the good things about the trip was what it was about. Not some number regarding distance. Anyways, I got to the Southern Point and ended up celebrating a little by chowing a coke and chocolate. After being allowed to do a facebook status update at the tour office thanks to the kind lady who was working there that day I headed back out of Cape Agulhas. I was temped to try the backpackers but I ended up being cheap and persistent so carried on riding as it was only about 3 oclock so still 2 hours left to ride.
Cape Agulhas.

Why thank you.

He is lucky he aint here, cause I want to punch him for not being here. Damn gnomes.

It was a total back track of about 10kms before I turned left back onto a gravel road that would take me through Soetendals Vlei. I was happy I passed the backpackers earlier as this place was absolutely stunning to be riding through at this time. There were loads of flooded flatland areas and the surrounding open areas of nature reserves and farms were very restful.
This  place was awesome to ride through.

I managed about 20kms before riding into a farm and getting permission to stay with the De Kock family. I had lekker coffee and chat while the kids were getting ready to go back to varsity before being shown where I could stay. I was given the option to camp but this in turn lead me to being given an outside room to stay in. No problem I thought. It had everything I needed as it was essentially an office area that was acting as a storage room also. After a lekker shower, I joined them for a nice chat about all sorts of new things as well as enjoying a whole plateful of melted cheese breads. It was then decided that I could stay in the upstairs bedroom if I wanted. Again I gladly accepted. I learnt a thing or two regarding farm subsidies, African horse sickness, which all zebras have or are born with, how that affected the horses when South Africa was first being colonized, removing sheeps tails when they lambs and horse adventure riding which the daughter Julia is quite into. I thanked them all before I went to bed as I wouldn’t be seeing them in the morning as they were off to Cape Town very early.
Where I stored my stuff. Door right.

The De Kocks with their grizzly guest. Thanks again you lot.
Distance 85kms

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