Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 100: Hole in the Wall to Tafelahashe

I was taken on a tour after breakfast by a guy called Johan who worked at the hotel who I had met yesterday. He had an interesting life choice at the moment. He was working his way up the coast every few months by working at various back packers etc and at the moment, this is where he was. He was lekker chilled and laid back and it was lekker checking out the Hole in the wall site. Part of me wanted to climb the rock face to get atop that sucker but that would have to be another time. Then we check out this other place which was like a slice in the wall which was pretty awesome too. Then we headed back and I carried on riding.
Its a beautiful day as always. Lets check out this Hole in da Wall.
Remember that green mound for later.
Theres the wall.
And theres the hole in it. Awesome natural erosion.

Radical man.
Bit of spur of the moment beach art.

Remember that green mound from earlier.
Well this is what was behind it.
Slice in the mound. Follow me bud.

Just a quick look back.
Right, lets go back.

The first section out of Hole in the Wall was uphill so out came sweat pig. After that it was a little flatter for a while. I passed a school where I got some water and I also bought the kids some chips. I ended up miss reading the road and went about 3kms in the wrong direction but it was downhill coming back so that softened it a bit. Next couple of hours were filled with the usual up and down hills and awesome views. Had an interesting talk with two girls on this one long uphill road. They were very surprised at what I was doing and also very worried about my safety. I appreciated their concern and let them know I will fine and would always be as careful as possible.

Leaving Hole in the Wall.
Hello children.
Hope you enjoyed your chips kids.

Got lost somewhere here. Had to back track about 3kms or so. No biggie.

Olethu and Africa. Lovely ladies.
Photos dont do this long ass hill justice.

A little while later I came to stop outside a general dealer in the area called Tafelahashe as I was starting to feel super tired from all these hills once again. I decided to buy myself something sweet so in I went. It was quite a big place as it had this wall and fence around the actual store. I also saw some nice green grass within in the grounds and asked if I could speak to the owner. I met him shortly and asked if I could camp on the grass. He did me one better and gave me a room in his house. Sweet. Plus he also gave me some fresh honey which I wolfed down with some bread. Double sweet. I was stoked to be able to have a place to stay tonight as I had no real target for the day other than to just ride and see how far I got. The guy who sorted me out was named Allan and he was super friendly and supportive of my endeavor and gave me some advice for the next day which involved a short cut or two but with some very steep hills.
Yes please. Get in my belly you natural sweet deliciousness!!!!!

Thats my roon just left of the door.
So long sun. Thanks for being awesome.

Now here is a funny story. There are 6 people who stay in the house that I was staying in and I had only met 4 of them by the time I decided to take a bath. So as I was bathing covered in shampoo and bubble bath, this lady walks in and looks at me as though I was someone else, someone she knew. I just sat there someone shocked but not really showing my shock at how this woman is just standing there as though nothing is wrong. Then she mentioned something which I can’t remember before she clicked I was a complete stranger. Then she quickly left. Turns out she thought I was Allen as she didn’t quite see how different I was with all the shampoo and bubble bath. She then chirped them in the kitchen as to why no one had told her that I was in the house. Hahaha. It was all laughing afterwards when I actually introduced myself after my bath. We then sat down and had a lekker dinner before retiring to my room to look through a bunch of National Geographics and popular mechanics.

Distance 30kms

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