Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 112: Port Elizabeth to Construction site

Little did I know that today would turn out to be one of the worst days possible, all because of wind. They don’t call this place the windy city for nothing. The day started off ok but was a bit hesitant with the clouds I saw from the police station and once I got to the beach front I could see some rain clouds approaching from the West plus it started drizzling. I headed to the local PiknPay nearby before carrying on. In the short amount of time I was inside the wind had somewhat cleared the drizzle away. Good I thought. I had decided to ride along the coastal road that would take me around the peninsula heading towards Skoenmakerskop and maybe even Seaview before heading up to rejoin the N2. This would prove extremely taxing on both my body and my spirit.
PE beach.

Pretty lekker I must say. Not pictured. Wind, which isnt very lekker.

Let the scenery route begin.

The wind howled like nothing I had ever ridden into non fucking stop. The coastal ride into Summerstrand was lovely in the sense that it was great to be next to the ocean, but damn, it was a constant slog. I rode past a couple camp sites and even pondered about calling it a day here but it was too early so I pushed on. I made it to the lovely little coastal town of Skoenmakerskop and decided to have a hot choc to warm up and get the hell out of the wind. I asked for directions about getting to the N2 as I realized this coastal route was proving to be more effort than it was worth. It was a slight backtrack of about 400m before I shot up north following the road for a few kilometers. I was then back into a somewhat more shopping type area where I got directions from a womans husband on the phone but they were too many for me. I popped into a book store as I was also looking for a book and ended up having a coffee there. Part of me just wanted to stay inside forever. The wind really was super shitty for me that day. I got directions again thanks to a map and realized how close I was to where I started this morning. I couldn’t help but feel that this was such a waste. All that slog, just to end up a couple of kilometers from the police station. Still, I had decided to take the route and I didn’t know it would suck so much of the wind so I can’t even blame myself. The views were good though. So after thanking the book store owner and taking my map, I was off once again riding through the suburbs which was a little easier.

Fairly pleasant ey.

Part of me wanted to burn this house as that was the name of the wind that was blowing.
Sloenmakerskop. Lekker lil town.

Just before the N2.
I was back on the N2 after about 8kms I think and then into the headstrong wind again. I think I only managed about 13kms tops before I realized this was futile. In order to keep my sanity in this wind, I had to just ride as slow and as peaceful as possible and to accept however far that took me, for there was no ways to be stronger than this wind. I had wanted to try and reach Witteklip but it just wouldn’t be. I saw a construction site to my left and decided this was me for today. I just had to get the hell out of this wind. I got the okay to stay in the main area where the prevabs were, where the designers and such worked from, but after the security guard had spoken to the main contractor I think, I was told I don’t have permission to stay there. Safety first and such. I wasn’t going to argue, even though I felt and knew that nothing was going to happen to me. So I just moved my tent to outside the security hut behind it so that it was out of the wind as much as possible. I was back inside and glad to be out that miserable wind. This site is for what will be the biggest shopping mall in the Eastern Cape to be completed by 2015. Plus I was told there were also other 15 year developments in the area. I called it a day and was glad to be outta the wind.

Distance 45kms

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