Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 75: KwaMbonambi to Mtunzini

My lovely hosts for last night.
Turkeys got style with that little black tuft of curled chest hair.
I was treated to a homemade savory breakfast which I smashed most delightfully, before heading off with much thanks given. I was on my way to Mtunzini where my pal Graeme had organised me a place to stay. It was an easy ride and I was there in a few hours but holy hell it was hot again and sweat pig made its return throughout the ride.
Fok, it is hot!
Dont lets hive exterior fool you, its a hangout for boozers. Nothing but bottles and rubbish inside.
I met Richard at his home and also met his wonderful family. After a little rest we headed out to check the beach and local lagoon before heading back where I enjoyed the rest of the evening with my hosts. I now felt like I was back in familiar territory as the coastal areas were now flush with the greenery that I grew up with.
And the winner is?
Indian Ocean at Mtunzine. Thumbs up.

Lagoon. But you already knew that.

Distance 60kms

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