Friday 6 September 2013

Day 53: Citrus farm to camp under road next to Selati Game Reserve

The wonderful tea lady. Lovely smile.
Leaving the pakhuis. So much citrus.
Just outside.
Get going already.

Once I was back on the road I couldn’t help but notice what an incredibly beautiful day it was! The green of the citrus trees, the blue sky filled with lush clouds and the perfect temperature for riding. It was an awesome start to the day. I quickly took a side road that ran beside the R529 which proved pretty lekker to ride along. This took me past La Cotte heading in the direction of Letsitele before turning left onto the R71 heading away from Tzaneen. I stopped at the one cafĂ© for some lunch and had a talk with the one lady who worked there. I remarked how nice this area was but she replied that’s only a surface thing. I agreed but I also asked why. She told me that it was easy to just appreciate the beauty of the place seeing as I was just passing by but that it was hard for the farm workers in the area stating how she wished they were paid more for the amount of labour they did. I had to admit I hadn’t actually thought of any of this whilst cycling and opinion was valid. I refrained from getting into a deep discussion regarding what the correct pay would be because honestly I have no idea what that would be. I have no experience of the work involved amongst a multitude of other factors, but striving for fair pay whatever that is, is worth pursuing. I wished her well then left.
What a wonderful day it was.
I love the atchar these guys make.
Down into the citrus I go.
Same ol same ol wonderful day.
Nearing the end of this section.
Shortly after I was on the R71 I noticed the landscape change once again. The citrus was gone and in its place were mielies and other things I cant recall. These then gave way to bush veld as the Game Reserves set in. At one rest I almost noticed an accident happen thanks to some idiot truck driver. I watched him busy overtaking another truck but it was happening so slowly. And in the other direction, a car was coming. The overtaking truck being driven by some asshole driver decided instead of crashing into the oncoming car needed to get in front fast so kinda pushed in front of the other truck eventually at the last minute, as the oncoming car was flashing its lights. It was a close call. I would see another 2 or 3 of these scenarios play out on my trip.
Downhill. Yeah, at freaken last.
I came to the small town of Gravelotte a little later and decided to check out the Giant Baobab that was 3kms back, so I dropped off my luggage at the police station before backtracking onto the gravel road to check out this giant tree, and boy she was big!! I’ll let the pics do most of the talking for this one.

That's a big tree!!!
Definitely a lady tree. Definitely.
I am inside a tree. Literally. No real way to describe it so Ill let my expression tell all.
So this is what a tree vagina looks like. Never thought Id say those words and you can never get this image out of your heads now.
The other side.
Scopping out the ladder.
Lets climb!!!
Thats high enough to warrant a bad fall.
First inside, now I'm on top of it.
More angle.
Read em.
Carry on reading em.
Cheers tree.
Once I had my fill of this incredible natural plant I headed off to collect my stuff and carry on. I stopped a little while later next to the Selati Game Reserve when I saw a giraffe close by. I reckoned this was as good a place as any to sleep so pitched my tent out of sight under by the waterway that runs under the road. I celebrated my days end with a delicious eating of sugar cane. 
When you see a giraffe next to the road, you call it a day. Not all the time, just for today.
My well hidden camp for the night.
So delicious!!!
See you tomorrow sun.

Distance 77kms

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