Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 133: Millers Point to Bloubergstrand. Finish

My last day. Hardly believe it. Lets do this.

I woke up to an amazing view that morning. Today was the day I would close the gap and be done. I smashed it up the first hill just taking my time. Took my time getting to Scarborough as I rode past plenty debris from last nights wind. Also checked out some of the local sculptures that were for sale alongside the road at 2 sections. Some amazing work there. It was cloudy through out the day with a bit of drizzle here and there in the first few hours.  I enjoyed the views getting to Kommetjie while passing along Slagkop. Had some chow in Kommetjie before stopping in Noedhoek again to do a little status update before getting ready to do Chapmans Peak.
You know, just once would I like to see some rocks roll.

Guess windy mcwindy was here last night.

Some awesome sculptures here.

Dig that hippo.
Got it.


So dangerous, you need two signs. Or is it rather that we should be aware of them crossing because of all the wet weather?

And the winner of the street with the best name I saw through out the entire trip.
Chapmans was tough when I rode it a year ago but now it was way way easier. I had clearly gotten much fitter from the whole journey and it made riding it quite pleasant.  I also spoke with another cyclist for a little bit while we were riding.  I stopped here and there to take loads of pictures and was pleased at how manageable this all was. I had a pleasant chat with a guy I met who had a similar dream to do exactly what I was doing. My only advice was to just do it. Then I had another chat with another friendly guy at another section who was planning on doing a doccy style program set on a fishing boat in a couple weeks time. Sounded quite interesting from what he told me. It was then pretty much downhill into HoutBay where I popped into the smalled pub in Africa for a drink just because. I realized I should have just bought a coke as the beer just became a chore to drink. After letting some people know where I was, it was time to leave Hout Bay. It was about 2:30pm.

Right Chapmans, Im coming for you.

Man this Chapmans is a piece of piss.

Hout Bay
Pretty much all down hill from here.

Not really as small as I thought.
Suikerbossie is the hill into and out of Hourbay from the coast side leading to Landudno and this was my last major hill of the entire trip. And just like Chapmans, I managed it comfortably enough and enjoy the long downhill and flat sections leading towards Camps Bay where I stopped to rest and was accosted by seagulls. Haha. Then it was a matter of riding through Seapoint, through Greenpoint before I rested at the garage just outside the Waterfront entrance. The drizzle was back again and the waves were huge along the coast. Plus the stink from the foam along the promenade was insane!!  I let my brother Mike and Hannah know I would be arriving later than I thought. It was now 4:30 when I left the garage as I headed into town to get onto the bike route that would take me to Bloubergstrand.
Suikerbossie. Also got smashed.


Camps Bay.

Damn this place stank!!!

Ok enough pics. You live here. Get the hell on with it.

The one area at the start of the route was heavily underwater. Hell, I missed a lot of rain I thought, but I didn’t miss it completely as it started raining again properly as I made my way out of Cape Town. I stopped to get a Redbull at the garage in Sunset beach which helped a lot. I was now onto the final stretch and the rain was with me the whole way. I’m just glad, the wind was with me somewhat.

Start of the bicylce route.
Quite a cloud you got there Cape Town. Say what you see Jones.

As I got closer to the finished, I couldn’t quite put my finger on how I felt. There was no overwhelming sense of excitement like that. I did have an emotional reaction a few days earlier when it really dawned on me that this whole trip was coming to an end and that was quite sad to admit. But now it was maybe a bit of interior satisfactoriness that I had actually done what I had set out to do. It made me laugh sometimes when I had to admit that I had just done what I had done. Plus its also weird looking back at where all that time went. It’s as if I started yesterday and now 132 days later, here I am about to finish this thing.
Just a few more kilometres.

So I finally got the beach front and I had finished it. Yay. Haha and I was pretty sopping wet. I stopped to take some pics and just stand in the moment that this was done. It was actually done. Well done Jones. You fucking did it. An idea you had 8 years ago and you finally went through with it and it was more amazing that you could have ever have imagined! Plus it wasn’t even that hard come to think of it. The only thing left now was to ride home around the corner where my brother Mike and Hannah were waiting.  It was great to see them again and Hannah appeared more excited than I was but it was all good. My brother was a bit shocked at how skinny I looked. Haha. I took a last set of pictures before we went upstairs where I could say I was finally back where I started. It was great to be warm and clean again.
That will do Giant. That will do.
There is only one thing missing from this pic.
A thumbs up. And a silly moisture thingy on the lens.

Thanks for the support everyone!!!! You lot have been awesome!!!

Cheers everyone!
Distance 80kms

Final words.

This is where I thank everyone for making this journey the amazing experience that it was. I am not going to mention names but this goes out to each and everyone of you who made this trip what it was, in any way, shape and form, no matter how big or small. You know who you are and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. To those who supported me from afar, to those who provided hospitality beyond my dreams, for allowing a complete stranger into your homes, for sharing a laugh, some info, a concern, for sharing anything. These acts of kindness touched me deeply and I will never forget them.

I’m also thankful for experiencing the actual amazing and rich variety of landscapes I traveled through. My country and the surrounding ones tested me in spade in parts but always rewarded me somewhere down the line. I compel anyone to just get out there and check it out. We have so much on offer, it’s unbelievable!! I’m grateful that the weather was pretty decent for most of the way with nothing that couldn’t really be handled. Plus I’m glad I chose the time to go when I did. Autumn people. Not to hot and not to cold. Its just right.

My bike. Well what can I say? It kicked ass and held up all the way like a champion with only minor setbacks. So thank you Giant Talon 29. That will do for now.

And I thank myself with not wanting to sound too full of myself. I have to agree with what Judi Davis told me after the interview that as much as it can be about how other people and things can make a journey what it is, it’s up to yourself first to actually make it happen by taking that first step. Without that, nothing.  So I thank myself. Pleasure Clinton. Now make Madagascar happen. Hells yeah!!! Anyone want to sponsor me this time?

Thanks for reading everyone and I hoped you enjoyed it.

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