Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 128: Farm near Elim to Gansbaai.

Had a lekker sleep even though I had some kinda nightmare style dream which had my family in it. Something about jumping through some portal that you could only see from a certain angle whereby you can then see it from the way it is distorted. I had a lekker breakfast prepared for my by Filla and I was good to go. I was also glad to be the owner of two bottles of wine from the De Kock wine farm. Im glad I’m only carrying the wine now as it’s a little bit of extra weight but I only had 5 days to go before I got home.
Once I left it was another beautiful days worth of scenery through the Soetendals Vlei with about 26kms before I hit tar road again. I must come back and drive through here one day.

More honey!!! Get in my belly.
Still cant believe how huge that bone is!!!
These lot were super cute.
One of my favourite pics. Too bad the sky is a little blown out. Had a teary moment here.
Once I hit the tar road and turned up towards Gansbai, the headwind hit me full force. Man it sucked so much like all the other times. It was about 35kms to Gansbaai and a large portion of that was pretty much dead straight and into the wind. All I had to do was knuckle down and get through it. I did but hell it sucked and it was chilly in parts. Just before I actually arrived in Gansbaai the wind picked up even more. Really I thought. Go and kill yourself wind.

Wish you could have felt the wind. Other than that, this is quite pleasant.
Well, hello there.

Thought of trying my luck at this place.But I pushed on.
Got him across the road.Almost got ridden by a car.

I reached the one store and bought something sweet plus just to get the hell out of the cold for a moment. Man this was looking miserable and now I had to find a place to stay. Police said no. One backpackers looked empty plus I didn’t have a phone to call them. Was rejected at a house. Then checked out the caravan park that overlooked the harbor but decided against it. I felt it was too expensive plus wind was way too strong as it was right in the open. I reluctantly carried on into the residential area. I just wanted a place to camp. My prayers were answered when I rode past a house and saw a man through his window and I signaled I would like to talk to him. His name was Bernito and he sorted me out.  I was given the go ahead to camp out in the back garden which I was finally relieved to get.   
That shade of grey is called, depressing grey.
Ill pass this caravan park thank you very much.
Yay, Gansbaai. Now to get me the hell outta this weather.

After setting my tent up I went in and spoke with the rest of his family. Bernito worked as a pelagic fisherman where they catch those small pilchard style fish. Another new thing I learned. It was then decided that I could stay in the one bedroom if I wanted which I happily agreed to after which I went outside to quickly take down my tent. We had a lekker supper and it was cool talking with the whole Groenewald family, being warm inside while the rain poured outside. Haha. Only thing that raised concern was checking out the weather. A cold front was on it ways through with plenty more rain on its way. Yay. Cape Town weather here I come.

Distance 60kms

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