Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 83: Durban to Pennington

Stefan, you gotta grow that muzzie for Movember.

The weather held out and it was a good day to ride. The major obstacle would be the first part. Getting the hell out of Durban without getting knocked over. Stefan showed me the most direct route that would take me through Durbs using the old south coast road. I would then take the R102 turnoff into Amanzimtoti in order to get off the N2. Plus I had never ridden this stretch of the R102 so it was something new to see. So after saying cheers to Stefan I was off. Was fairly straightforward the route but it was super dodgy in parts as it ran near where all the trucks were loaded from the harbor. Mix in no shoulder to ride on and you have a recipe for potential disaster, but slow and steady I managed to get into Amanzimtoti with out any incidents. Plus I vowed never to ride that little interior section again.

There was a bit of an uphill getting through and around Toti but I was used to them by now. (Good to know puny meatbag, cause I have plenty more waiting for you shortly.) The R102 was a fairly pleasant stretch of road with nice sea views here and there and after a few hours I came to Pennington where I decided to end my day. After a couple of rejections I was forced to head to the caravan park as it was getting late and I was tired of this but I never made it that far. In the middle the residential area I was in at the moment, there was an empty plot right there. No house, just one big squared off garden. I decided with some hesitation to pitch my tent here. If anyone was to tell me to leave I would but no one did so I’m glad about that. But that thought floated around my head more than I would have liked in the evening, as I was essentially camping on what may have been someone’s property with no permission. Silly conscience.
Near Umkomaas I think.
Empty plot means I must stay here. Thats just physics people.

Distance 60kms

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