Saturday 7 September 2013

Day 71: Camp beside Thembe Elephant Game Reserve to Ponta do Ouro, Mozambique

Right, today I go to Mozambique
Right, today was the day I would enter Mozambique. I said cheers to Gavin and G-Bear and off I went. The border was about 50kms or so away and I got there just after midday with a little stop in eMangusi. Just to make sure I was on the right road I tried speaking to a couple of girls but they ended up running away from me. What the hell I thought. It was actually quite funny. When they were at a safe distance I asked why they were running away? Basically stranger danger to sum it up. Haha. They confirmed the road I was on was correct and off I was. I couldn’t help but laugh at that little incident. Maybe it was the beard? Or my stench?

The final stretch.
Another awesome bug. The mini ultralisk.
So finally I was at Kosi Bay border post. First thing I did was secure me a lift with someone who had a 4x4 as there was no way I could get to Ponta with a bike. It’s pure beach sand all the way.  I lucked out with the first one I saw and after the paper work and slight deflating of tyres, I chucked all my stuff in the back and off we went. Can’t remember his name but the driver I was with worked in the wildlife video business and had done and seen plenty cool stuff. Damn the road was bumpy and sandy. Yup, there was no ways I could ride any section of this road. So a few minutes later we were at Ponto.
Kosi bay borderpost. Glad to have gotten a lift as I would find out shortly there is no way I would have made the sand road to Ponta. NO WAYS!!!
I really need to get to the ocean. The look of a fairly dirty individual at that moment. Post many sweat pigs.
It was a small town totally geared towards holiday makers wanting to get away for a couple days, with many places offering dive packages plus many of the locals offering souvenirs etc at the various stalls along the road or the main market place. We arrived at the camp site that was located right by the beach. I quickly set up tent before striking up a conversation with one guy before joining him and his friends for some chow and a drink at their campsite which was next to mine. It was then time to swim in the Indian Ocean as I had been looking forward to this since the beginning of the trip, and what a delight it was. It was technically winter but hell it felt like summer and I loved every second of it. The water was so cool and refreshing plus it doubled as my bath as I hadn’t had a proper shower or bath in the last 4 nights, so there was that too.

At last!!!!! Indian Ocean. And this was winter. Hell yes, it felt like a mild summer.
Stop taking pics and swim already.
Actually these were all after my swim.
Should have camped a little further away from the road that ran beside my tent.
Looking towards the beach.
After a shower to wash off the salt water I relaxed for a little while before heading out to see Ponto do Oura a little better. I took a slow stroll and took the usual pics along the way. I had a little conversation with a friendly dude who offered to help me out with a place to stay with his friends much later, but that never happened. Anyways, was a cool little chat before I carried on. I also asked about this one drink from this one bottle I saw all over the place. The cashier at the cafĂ© couldn’t speak English and kept pointing to the soda drinks at the place. I couldn’t make out what she was saying, plus I thought it was some kinda tea. Turns out it was rum as I would find out later.
Around Ponta.

Came here for dinner.
Same place.
Place was packed much later.

Nothing but sand.

Many stalls and road heading towards main market place.
I tried out the one bar I was told about and ended up talking to a lovely girl by the name of Tyla. She had been working in the area for a few weeks but things had now taken a different course and she filled me in on her viewpoint of Ponta do Oura, the local vibe and the drink I was questioning earlier. But more on that later. She also offered to buy me dinner which I gladly accepted at some other place which had a cool live performer playing all sorts of cool songs on his guitar. Then we headed back to the original bar. It was now time to taste this RnR drink I had heard about. A RnR is made of 1/3 Tipo Tinto rum which is the locally made rum in the country and 2/3 sparberry soda all poured into a beer mug, all for R30 at the time I was there. Essentially it’s a nightmare waiting to happen. And pretty much the easiest way to get pissed in the area. You have been warned. We were shortly joined by 2 other groups of 3 guys which all had funny stories to tell. The one group was from Durban and I secured a lift with them back to the border gate tomorrow so I sorted that problem out. After 2 more RnRs we all headed out to another club where it was a lot of dancing before I decided to call it a night. So off I stumbled back to my tent before throwing up. Haha. I thought part of my stomach was on the floor but luckily it was only the calamari I had eaten earlier which was coloured pink thanks to the spawn of satan drinks that were the RnRs. When in Ponta right? Not a fok would I be drinking RnRs again.
Two of the 3 chaps from Durban. In his hand, RnR. Koort in the background. If you reading this dude in front, let me know your name again and Ill update.
The other guy from Durban. Tyler. Too much red death on the table I would find out later about.
Tyla and 1 of other 3 guys that joined us. He was South African.
The scotsman and the other guy was from some island. All a lekker jovial bunch.
Distance 50kms

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