Friday 6 September 2013

Day 52: Malamulele to Citrus Farm

Nyiko and her brother Teddy. Thanks for the wonderful stay you two.
I was given a lift to the garage station I had arrived at yesterday by    . I found that I had lost my pepper spray which also had the keys to the lock of my bike cable. I couldn’t help but feel a little unprotected now that I had no pepper spray even thought at no actual point on this trip was I any situation that warranted me using it. So I got my lock and off I went.
Maybe I should just keep the shirt off. Get some sun on that milky white skin.
Left, left straight. Maybe just straight.
Hard times.
The somewhat last section before citrus farm territory started to happen.
Would have been refreshing to swim in.
Always fun to see these things. A sign of things to come indeed.
The road was fairly straight forward with not much change in scenery for about 60kms or so and it was also super hot again. So I rode past Giyani then the turn off to Dumeri before the landscape changed to one of being used for plenty of citrus farming. I welcomed the change and the rich rich greens from the thousands of citrus trees being grown in the area. I spoke to a reserve security guy and asked about a place to camp and he told me there should be places up the road a little further.  I took my time riding along the wonderful scenery and decided to try my luck on many of the farms in the area. I was obviously riding past quite a few of them, but I only thought about approaching the ones that aren’t super far off the main road. I turned into the closest one and asked the one house but was told by the resident to ask her son down at the pakhuis so that is where I went. Plus they had big dogs so maybe a good idea I wasn’t staying there.

So I rode about 200ms to the pakhuis and eventually spoke to the owner boss of the area. He let me pitch my tent on a patch of grass just outside their offices which was also next to his house. I was happy once again to just lie down after another long ride and I was also happy to be offered some tea or coffee from the tea lady who was still on duty. With the coffee also came a whole bucket of citrus. Yes please! The grapefruits made for good eating that afternoon and the following morning all covered in sugar. And it was a good thing to be eating some fruit in general again.  I was again offered a shower which I accepted plus I was given a bowl of butternut soup with some bread which I ate along with my other dinner. Thanks people.
Tent up. Day done.
Pretty secure.
So grateful to have gotten this once I had set up tent.
Just a little shot showing the back area of the pakhuis.

Distance 74kms

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