Monday 2 September 2013

Day 44: Hardekraaltjie to Tom Burke

Totsiens Piet, Hannelie and 3 legged dog.

Was back on tar after about an hour. Had a little coffee break at an eye catching lil place on the side of the road. Ended up talking to some other patrons who popped by. Turns out one of them had also done a bit of adventure cycling a number of years back. Can’t remember the route but it sounded interesting enough. (tho not enough to remember, hey Jones)
No corny caption needed.
Cool little roadside coffe stop.
A short while later I ended up talking to a boer who wanted to find out what I was up to. I told him and he said I must stop this kak and get married. I laughed. But I knew what he meant. He was a fun guy to talk to and he even went back to his car to get 2 mini slabs of chocolate which he handed over to me. Thanks so much again road side stranger. You just start something and people, places, things and events will make their way to you. I bid him fairwell.
Don't know what that middle sign means. My thoughts. Stay out at night and enjoy the stars.
The road is looooooooooong!!! With a slight dip.
Sniff Sniff. Onion fields in Monte Christo.
So the day passed along. I rode past Monte Chriso smelling all the onions being farmed. Rode through Beauty and Gaseleka. All places I had originally planned as being potential checkpoints when I started out weeks ago. I had decided to call it a day in another small town called Tom Burke which is located on the N11 just 9kms from the border of Botswana. I took my time sussing the place out. Farms were everywhere. Eventually I pulled into one where I saw a bunch of people doing some sort of farm related labour. I asked to speak to the owner who was on his was over already and I got permission to stay on his premises. Again I had asked just to camp in the garden but I was offered one of two guest rooms if I wanted. If I wanted? Yes please! I thanked his wife who helped me settle in before cleaning up and joining the farmer later for a round of drinks and a hellava supper. He was super interested in what I was doing and I was only too glad to answer his questions. He informed me he also had some kind of dream to do an adventure like mine but I think his was more sea related. I found out that he was a vegetable farmer and he told me a few facts regarding the different farm styles and returns and risk involved with each. Once again I was stoked with where I was at and realized I had ridden almost 300kms in the last 3 days. Foolishly I thought I could keep up this pace the next day as I headed off to sleep.
I think I chose the guest room with the bath.
Enjoying the trees in the garden.
Distance 93kms

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