Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 113: Construction site to J-Bay

Safety first.

It was a windy night and chilly too so I didn’t actually get much sleep but I was glad that the day was sunny and that the clouds had blown away. As I mentioned in my notebook, most of the day was an expression of utter disdain for the wind. I passed Witteklip and Thorhill before coming to a rather high bridge crossing over a valley and small river. It was quite lovely as I descend into the next area with wonderful rich greens all over again.

Take that wind. That right there is a sign of futility.

Getting pretty high here.

I ended up taking the coastal road to Jeffreys Bay after stopping and chowing a chip roll. Oh it was so good! Wow that coastal road, really pushed me. Being so out in the open meant the wind was at full capacity.  I shouted and swore loudly into the wind to vent my frustrations. All to no avail. I really wondered how I had the energy to carry on or even the desire when it feels like everything is against you. Honestly, I came close to feeling defeated it was that bad and I was that tired.
Loooking back.
At f#cking last.
Finally I rolled into J-Bay. First thing I had to see where the waves this place is famous for. Damn they were on form! Stood watching them from an outlook for a couple minutes before it was time to buy some chow and find a place to sleep. The police said no as they would be liable for my safety if anything happened. I honestly hadn’t thought about that to be  honest. Fair point, but I couldn’t help but think, what the hell is gonna happen at a police station that would put me in danger? So I left without getting into an argument. I was told to check out the caravan park which I did. They were too pricey for me. Then I tried a backpackers in town but they didn’t do camping. So I ended up going to Island Vibe Backpackers which was pretty sweet. It was decently priced with all the facilities that you need. And it was good to be around people again. I shared my supper with a bunch of guys from Israel who were doing a little holiday trip. Then I spent far too long uploading photos to facebook because the connection was slow before I decided to call it a night.
This place was cooking.

Man those waves look pretty ripable.

Island Vibe Backpackers. Pretty cool place.

With a decent view.
Distance 70kms

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