Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 78-82: Durban North to Durban

Day 78: Durban North

The next day was a Sunday and it was clearly a rest day. Heath’s dad paid him a visit where they went out in the morning so I slept in a bit but then we headed out to the beach front for a lekker walk before checking out the Botanical Gardens which are always cool. Then we headed back where I lay down for a nap. Heaths dad then left. Later we visited Stefan and Nadine at their place and it was cool to see where they too. It was a lekker chilled evening we enjoyed amongst other things home baked beer bread and beer chicken of which Stefan and myself didn’t eat. The bread was pretty damn tasty. Cheers guys!
Garden Botanics Durban
Roofus. So could have stolen this guy.
Rocking sand art at Durban beach front.
Beer bread with friends.
Day 79 Heaths place.

Just took it easy today as I was feeling a little fluey. This made me worried about a malaria so I checked out the local pharmacy clinic hoping they would have the same malaria test available I had in Swaziland. Turns out no. I would get that sorted out tomorrow.

Day 80 Heath to Neil and Rachels place.

It was time to get going a bit although I would still be in Durban. I would now be staying at Neil and Rachels place, whom I had met when I was teaching in Korea. It was cool to be able to see some more friends, but first I decided to get another malaria test as I was now feeling fluey for real. I got one at the travel clinic by the ICC and it came back negative. Just to be safe I got a second one to take home to test 2 days later. So I guess it was just regular old flu I was experiencing. I had completely forgotten about that to be honest with only malaria being the main health risk I was worried about, but looking back I can see now how easily I got it. My body was clearly tired from all the riding and I was now easily susceptible to whatever germs were floating around the areas where there were more people now, which was now pretty much the whole way back to Cape Town. Good old civilization.

So after a little bit of trouble with directions, I finally arrived at Neil and Rachels place. It was pretty sweet but still empty as they had just moved it. All good. I had my own room again of which I would end up getting to know quite well the next day. Once again it was cool catching up and having lekker chow and enjoying some zombie television on Neils new flat screen which w picked up that evening. The weather was also starting to look a little cloudy with a strong chance of rain.

Distance 8-10kms?

Day 81 Neil and Rachels place.

Shortest entry to follow. I spent much of last night on the toilet and pretty much the rest of the day recovering in bed or on the toilet. Turns out it wasn’t flu I had, but rather stomach flu. After I self diagnosed myself thanks to the interwebs,(see, not just a place for porn and cat pictures you know) I resorted to drink plenty of water and med lemons to stay hydrated as my body flushed the germ out as that is pretty much all you can do. Just let the thing run its course. I was glad to say I was feeling much better near the end of the day. So all in all a crap day for most parts.
Re-enactment of how I was really sick. Pretty convinving. Sick and the fact that I look like a homeless person. Haha
See not really sick.
Day 82 Neil and Rachels place to Stefan and Nadines place down the road.

Yay, I was feeling much better but not 100% though. About 97% I would say. Day was rainy so just chilled, got take out lunch and went with Neil to pick up a Jewish scroll of blessing that he placed on the front door frame of his apartment. The 3 of us then partook in the quick ceremony led by Neil whereby the house then blessed for all those that ever entered it. It was an interesting little experience as I didn’t know about such things so I’m glad to have taken part and learned something new.
Doing malaria test.
Thanks you two. The floor people. Pay attention to the floor.
Neil and Rachel told me they were going to be heading out to attend some markets to sell their wares and wouldn’t be back for a few days, so I made plans to stay at Stefan and Nadine’s place for the night before carrying on with my trip tomorrow. I said thanks and cheers to Neil and Rachel as they left me in the apartment where I waited till Stefan got back from work, before locking up and leaving. Luckily Stefan stayed right around the corner so I was there in a few minutes easily. Was good to see them again and just took it easy that night before turning it. I went to bed hoping the weather would clear up properly by tomorrow.

Distance 1-2kms

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