Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 116: The Crags. Monkeyland and Birds of Eden.

I woke up with a minor allergy from the cat but it passed quickly before heading down and having breakfast with David. Was good to have some proper coffee and something that wasn’t porridge for a change. I found out he was also an avid adventurer who had done a trip down the Americas which took him also to Antarctica and back to Cape Town. Then after that he had done a trip up Africa. It was awesome hearing his stories and checking out his photobooks which has inspired me to make something like that. I had decided to spend the day in the Crags and check out Monkey Land and Birds of Eden which was a little down the road.

There are all sorts of arts and crafts as well as animal attractions in this area on the way to Monkey Land. I bought the combo ticket for both and in I went to Monkey Land first. I joined a tour group that had just started but I had to pull out as I realized my camera batteries were flat and I wasn’t going to not take photos. So I got new batteries and waited for the next tour group to start.

The tour is about an hour and you follow a guide there the enclosure which is pretty big allowing the monkeys inside free range of movement. We follow a tour guide to different feeding stations where he explained all sorts of facts regarding the different monkey species we saw as well as the others that we didn’t. The main monkeys in the area were vervet monkeys and capucine monkeys. They also had lemurs and smaller golden haired monkey or tamarins I think, plus howler monkeys and spider monkeys. It was interesting to be up close to all these monkeys and learn a thing or two about them. The new monkeys that they bring in have to be rehabilitated first somewhat, so they are kept in an enclosure within this big enclosure just so that they can get used to the other monkeys and vice versa before they are let out. Only the smallish monkeys are at this place. No big ones like baboons, chimps or orangutans.
Thanks for not flinging your poop at me.
Just give us a while. Thats why we filling ourselves up.

Nice hairstyle.

This lemur was clearly enjoying himself.

Ones tail has never smelt or tasted this good.

After that I checked out Birds of Eden. This one was a walk at your own pace deal with a pathway of about 2kms. This place was a huge 2 hectare area of vegetation, walkways and water features all under a huge high rise canopy that enclosed the entire area. It was big enough to allow the birds inside a moderate amount of freedom to fly though I don’t know how one can actually measure that. Anyways, once inside I proceeded at a really slow pace to try and see as many birds as possible and to enjoy the area. There were loads and it was great seeing them all. My only frustration was that my camera couldn’t decent enough pictures because of the light, but I got a couple that were alright. Same as in Monkeyland. I encountered a pair of love birds with one being able to recite a few lines. He/she was very interesting and proved a lot of fun. It was also quite a friendly bird that actually wants to make contact with you. Plus its friend wanted that too but never really made that final step to connect. It would also just be close enough. Plus they followed me for a while. Near the end I came to a pond with flamingoes and duck and the usual water birds before exiting. It was a lekker enclosure. I don’t support birds who can fly being in cages but this would be the closest exception I can make.
Thats quite a big enclosure.

Right at the entrance.
Welcome puny meatbag or is it sweat pig?
That dark thing is actually a monkey of some kind.
These guys were all about the bling.

These guys were awesome.
Froot loops.

Those expressions.

I then had a bit of lunch while talking to the volunteer girls who worked at Monkey land. Turns out they were all from Germany. Just before I wanted to leave, a bakkie arrived with all sorts of fresh fruit, veg and nuts for the monkeys. They were going to feed the spider monkeys in the enclosure and I asked if I could tag along to check it out. They said yes so in we went. What was cool after we fed them was that I got a chance to see some howler monkeys which I didn’t see earlier. They were pretty cool with their howl. I recall the one strolling towards me and just throwing his head back and letting out a little guttural howl. It was awesome. Plus I saw a baby hanging from its moms stomach. Plus near the exit there were a few sitting on the wooden post so I could get a closer look. I was stoked to have been let in so that I could see these howler monkeys. Then I headed back to rest for a bit.
Buckets and buckets of goodness.

Spider monkeys.
The howler infront had a baby hanging from her stomach.

Man I loved the views here.
Later in the evening I went with David to meet some of his friends where we had a lekker walk along Keurboom beach. The children that were with us were super fun and full of energy climbing all the rocks we passed by. I also attempted my luck at Poi, those hanging weights that one swings like fire dancers. These were plastic with lights in them but if they hit your head hard enough, it would be sore. This came close to happening but I got the basic rhythm eventually. Must try it again when I am in Cape Town. We arrived at a spot called Archers Rock which is like a mini hole in the wall. Then we headed back to Enricos for some chow. It was good as by the time we got there, we were all super hungry and pretty chilly from the walk. 


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