Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 126: Heidelburg to camp beside road.

Other than the super chilly night, the only thing that irritated me was the damn church bell that kept ringing to indicate the time on the hour and every half hour. Seriously, in the middle of the night? Come on. Silence that thing. Got ready and said cheers to Alfred after using the bathroom. Bit of a mission getting there as I was accosted by all his Scottish terriers who bit down a bit too hard for my liking around my ankles. But I was a total stranger to them. Must remember to roll up pants so that they don’t get bitten next time.

Was a good day being virtually clear plus I could see some snow on the mountain tops in the distance. I got off thee N2 and onto the road that led to Witsand before taking a right that would take me to Malgas and beyond. This was another gravel road and it was such a wonderful place to cycle through. The scenery was amazing with few mild ups and downs to ride over.

Is that snow. Yup, thats snow.

Lil piglets.
This place was awesome to cycle through.

Thanks for posing you lot.

I encountered 3 guys from Switzerland who were biking from Cape Town to Durban. Was lekker to have a little chat with them and check out their bikes which were all high end proper adventure bikes. About 4000Euros worth of kit. They were then going to fly to JHB before heading to India for a bit before heading to Brazil for the world cup. Wished them well on their solid trip.

Keep on rolling.
Not long after that I had another rest where I saw a single cat sitting atop a bunch of hay bales out in the fields. Thought it was an interesting sight so stopped to take a picture. I also came across a strange grub that rolled on its back. It was slightly smaller than my thumb and kept on rolling over onto its back before ‘back’ crawling along each time I would put it ‘right’.  Flippen weird I thought, but I was stoked to have come across this little bugger.

Can you see the cat on top. The little black spec.
Im so lazy I crawl on my back. Use Cartman voice to say that.
As you may have picked up by now, I like the creepy crawlies.
Feed me!!!
Shortly after the grub I rolled down to the river at Malgas where I had to cross using a pont that was powered by 3 guys instead of a motor. How they did it was that they each had a chain that they wrapped around the cable that they pulled which allowed the ferry to across between the two river banks. I think it is one of the last man powered ponts on the continent. I’m too lazy to google that fact so if anyone knows for sure, then let me know. Or not if you too lazy as myself. Haha. Once over it was a steep climb leaving Malgas which was a helluva small town.
Approaching Malgas.

Near the end of the day I tried a farm house to stay at but there was no one home. I decided to not take my chances and just carried on for a while. I eventually called it a day nearby a waterhole for sheep, and set up tent in the corner of a plot of land inside the fence away from the road. I must have definitely disturbed the sheep with my presence for they would not shut up bleeting for a while. It was a beautiful end to the day with a beautiful sunset once again. I just hoped that no farmer would come along and kick me off his land.

Honey run anyone?

Tried that farmhouse to the left but no luck.

Shuddap already.
Gonna enjoy this rest.

Distance 80kms

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