Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 84: Pennington to Ramsgate

Pennington plot.
Happy to not have been disturbed in the night, I now set off for my home town of Margate. I was quickly back on the N2, back on the R102 at the Hibberdene turnoff. I was really back home and it was kinda weird admitting that I had actually arrived after all these weeks of peddling. But it was cool to take it slow and enjoy the scenery and see what may have changed.

Lets get onto the N2 and do this thing.

So thats why the oceans are so salty.
I contacted Warrens mom, Jane and let her know I was on my way. My friend Graeme had offered a place to crash at his place but he was out at work for the moment and I figured I may as well just call it a day in Ramsgate, but we made plans to meet up a few days later.

I took my time riding down the South Coast stopping at my old high school and a handful of beaches along the way that I frequently visited while growing up here. Was a nice day so they were plenty full. Was glad to see Uvongo had recovered from the epic storm years back and that there was once again an actual beach.
That tree in the front was so not there the last time I was here.
Education for life people!!!

South Coast sea. Yeah!!!!
Beach awesomeness!!!

Margate!!!! Now to get me a ice cream with caramel sauce.
Finally got to Margate. Hometown stretch done. I decided to treat myself to a lekker soft serve ice cream with that yummy caramel sauce that hardens once it’s poured over. Damn, that stuff is so tasty. Then I headed off to Ramsgate to the Kretzingers place. I’ve known the Kretzingers ever since my family moved down to Margate in 1993 so it was great to be able to stay with them for a few days.

The whole family was there except Warren who I had met in Upington. There were a handful of other people there also who there to ride the Burry Stander Sardine Classic the next day and they had all come down from JHB and it was lekker to meet them too. These were all Dales friends along with his wife. I opted out of the race the next day so that I wouldn’t crush all the competition. (sure sure Jones) Although I did wonder how I would have faired, but hell, I was here to rest so no mountain climbing for me. Dale and his friends were serious cyclists so I learnt a thing or two from them as well as checking out their high end mountain bikes. Damn those things were cool and very light! But way way out of my price range. The day came to a close and it was lekker being in my home town once again.

Distance 60kms

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