Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 120-121: Knysna to George

Due to my little incident and the slight incline of the ground I was on, I didn’t get much sleep. Plus I ate peanut butter sarmies for breakfast. Cant recall if it’s because I had no other breakfast or not enough extra water for it. Still, it got me going for a bit. Along the estuary I was met by another cyclist called Kees, pronounced K-C. Was a friendly guy and it was great having someone to talk and ride with so early in the morning. He guided me along the estuary pathway telling me about his adventures in backpacking through Europe and how he is also itching to do something similar to what I was busy with. He had started and sold a variety of businesses and if I recall correctly used those funds sometimes to do a bit of travelling. Not a bad way to do it I thought. Just needs a bit of planning and probably sound knowledge and luck. We came to the end I as wished him well as I carried on up the N2 with it being a bit of a hill leaving Knysna.
Well hello Knysna estuary.

Thats pretty cool.

Cheers Kees. Shot for the company along the estuary.
Road once again had pleasant scenery and I would experience quite a bit throughout the day. I came to a small town called Sedgefield which has recognized itself as a slow town. Where everyone and everything is taken easy and out of respect for each other. I stopped at a coffee shop for a little snack before carrying on. Was feeling quite tired from the lack of sleep but the coffee and cake helped a bit.  

Kinda looks like one arm up, one arm down.

Coffee and cake break.

Just past Sedgefield were some lakes which again provided some wonderful scenery although the sun and the haze interfered a bit with taking some decent pics.

Fancy a swim.

Next up was Wilderness where I had to go through a road works section but seeing as I’m on my bike I didn’t have to wait. Thank goodness. Wilderness again provided some lekker pictures from the elevated look out points.
Solid downhill.

Wilderness is cooking.

Dont go alone. Always go with 4 midgets clones of yourself.

Once over the next hill it was a slow ride into George. The Outeniqua mountains in the back were just amazing!!! I stopped at the PiknPay before asking to get directions to my Great aunts house. I eventually got there after a little getting lost but generally in the right direction. It was great to see my great aunt Riekie whom I hadn’t seen in many years. She is more than 80 years old is still handling herself quite well. After a settling in and a little catch up we went to visit her son and his family who stayed on a farm 21kms outside George. We had to drive through the Outeniqua Mountains and it was beautiful. So many amazing views, along with the time of day which was approaching sunset made for awesome pictures.  It was great to meet Pier and his family and get to know each other a little bit. We then headed back just before it was getting dark and there was now mist on the road. Little more dangerous but still awesome.  Once back I was looking forward to some sleep.

Then Outeniqua mountains are awesome.

Going for a ride through the Outeniqua mounains. Some amazing views.

Distance 62kms

Day 121: George

Took it easy. Visited a friend of Aunty Riekie so that I could use the internet. She had also travelled a bit and was from Slovakia. Then did some shopping before taking it easy for the rest of the day back home as I once again had a slight feeling of nausea and a headache.

Distance 0kms

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