Monday 2 September 2013

Day 40: Camp Phuduhudu to Lion Park Resort

I was glad to see the sun as last night was vrek cold. It was almost winter technically but it felt like it had come early last night. Must have been some sort of cold front. Either way, I was off after paying for my stay. R100 I recall.
Sun! Yes! Leave them passing animals and focus your rays on me.
As I was leaving Phuduhudu.
Getting back on the road.
Heading towards Lobatse.
Balancing a taxi on my thumb.
I arrived shortly in the town of Lobatse which is situated in a valley somewhat surrounded by green hills. It's a medium sized town that has the High Court of Botswana in it. I bought me a spinach and feta pie with a big can of gingerale. I needed a break from the usual road food and it went down well. Had to be a little careful getting through this town as the traffic was a little bit more and parts of the road had no real shoulder to ride on, but I was soon out of it and back on the open road.
Nice name for a fashion shop.
Get in my belly.
Got to be a little careful when riding on this road.
Came to a stop on a bridge, dunno why, but I did. I realized maybe this wasn’t such a good idea with my legs hanging off the edge as the trucks drove past me causing the bridge to vibrate quite a bit. Destroying my hunger took precedence of any such thoughts to safety. Or maybe I just wanted to hang my legs over the edge. Yup, it was more the later.
Smart move resting on a bridge. Good vibrations I say.
I had decided to not push it all the way to Gaborone and was busy looking for places to camp beside the road. There were plenty to be honest. I just had to stop and pitch tent, but I slowly rode on. I had one more rest at a garage just past the turn off to Ramotsa before stopping outside a sign indicating Lion Park Resort. Something compelled me to check it out.
Decided to see what this guy was selling. Corn on the right. Left bowl contains some type of bean/seed which once grown, you can harvest what is in the middle bowl. I think it was the bark. Then you make a porridge style dish, I think.
Mind is starting to look for a place to camp. Plenty open space.
Say cheese.
Strike a pose people. We gonna be famous!!!
I arrived and found it quite a pleasant place which also offered camping facilities so after checking them out, I decided to camp here for the night. There were a couple other tents pitched together whom I would meet the owners later. Once settled I took a walk around. It was quite weird seeing a park empty like this. All that was needed was for the cover of night to happen and the lights to have gone out and I would have found myself in a scene from a horror movie. It was middle of the week and near closing time by the way. So after savoring a bottle of Botswanas finest at the bar I headed back to my tent. I then met two of the four guys who were also camping there. Turns outs they were on assignment for the GPRS company TomTom and were busy updating the files for their Gaborone co-ordinates. I asked how that was done. Well they go out in 2 man teams and have the satellite positioning software working then they just take down the co-ordinates as they drive along and punch in the name of whatever business or building there is. One drives, the other does the punching in. Cool, I learned something new. Then I headed off to have a 30min bath. I filled that sucker almost to the brim and just lay back and soaked in the warmth, before calling it a night.
We need more space people!! Come on!! Can't you see how crowded we are?!
The eery silence of an empty park.
Seed for tomorrow planted.
Seed not planted.
Distance 70kms

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