Saturday 24 August 2013

Day 5: Strandfontein to Nuwerus

First thing I did was heat some water for a lovely sachet of instant creamy cappuccino and cook some oats. Sachets courtesy of Adam and Pavarni. Damn those things tasted so good! The best way to start your day I say.
Faster!!!! Boil faster. A watched pot never boils Jones. Shaddup!!! It aint a pot damn you!
Breakfast and cappacino. With matching bland colours.
Got up and saw the Bloem couple busy packing up. They offered me some coffee also which I accepted with some rusks. Cant say no to free food, especially rusks in the morning. Mmmmm. They were off before I had started packing.
Wes Fokken Kus!!! Safe trip back to Bloem you two.
The road that runs through the park.
Pretty awesome view for us campers.
While I was doing that, the security came along and asked about me. I said I was with the couple who were just here. Seemed to have did the trick. As I was about to exit Strandfontein I realized I wasn’t wearing my glasses. I panicked as I realized they were in my tent as I had hung them up the night before. I had forgotten to put them on this morning while I was packing up so I was super worried they were broken when I packed away my tent. The tent has to be folded a bit then rolled up quite tightly before being placed into its bag so there was a good chance they could have broken. So I stopped and unpacked the tent and was glad to find my glasses were there and in one piece. I said to myself that will never happen again. No ways. But it did and good things came of it.

So I cycled past Papendorp which was very small town if I can call it that, way off the main road a bit, so I was glad I had stayed at Strandfontein. I was now heading inland a bit towards Lutzville. The area had a few hills getting to it but I saw that it was a farming town with the main product being tomatoes Im sure off and grapes I think, or olives. I rested at some obscure spot called Vlermuisklip or something and had lunch. It was turning out to also be quite a hot day.
Keep moving hippy.
I slowly rode out of the town towards Landplaas in the midday heat. I rested again later beside the road as best I could in the shade of some trees beside a stone wall.
Rest before dirt road. Glad to have some shade.
My last section would be a dirt road of about 25kms till Nuwerus. This dirt road turned out to be quite brutal as it was both quite hilly and also it was at the end of my day so I was already quite tired by the time I got to it. It took longer than I thought and I had also eaten all my food and drank all my water just as I had reached the end. I was so relieved to finally see Nuwerus as I passed the one corner.

At F@cken last!!! In my early stages of taking pics of the towns I was arriving in.

Nuwerus is a small sleeper town with most of the residents working outside of it on either the farms or mines nearby. This was my checkpoint for the day and I headed straight to the police station. I was given the go ahead to sleep on a grassy patch in front of the court. Also I was told again this was where the English guy I was told about yesterday had slept the night before. Interesting, I was a day behind this guy. Would I catch up with him? I had no intention to and the short answer is no, I never met him. I needed some food so I went to what appeared to be the only shop in the area but they were closed. Luckily it was built onto the owners house so I just knocked and got let in and did my purchase. I chowed then went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night with a weird feeling. I realized it was hunger and decided to eat an entire can of vegetables. Felt so much better then went back to sleep.

Distance: 75kms

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