Friday 30 August 2013

Day 34: Road camp to Bray

Same routine once again with much of the same scenery as the last few days. Coming closer to Bray, the landscape changed a little. There were now more open fields where cows and game were being raised. Plus there were again some tediously soft red sand sections again.
Where I slept the night before. Well hidden ey?
Hakuna matata.
Rest beside rust bucket.
I really enjoy close up shots of bugs and stuff. This chap totally posed for the camera.
Soft red sand. Must be getting close.
Slight change in landscape nearing Bray.
Finally I reached the outskirts of Bray and got my first flat tyre of the trip. Was a bit bummed but quite surprised I had actually gone 34days before this actually happening. That’s some good luck right there I thought. When I saw the culprit I knew why. It was one of those big thorns from all the trees in the area. Can’t really have any protection against those buggers plus the hole it made was way too big for the sealant inside the tubes to do its job. I didn’t go through the mission of patching it up as I was right outside Bray so I just pumped my wheel up so that it would last till I found a place to stay. Plus I put the thorn back in place to close up the hole again somewhat.
Hooray Bray! Boo, Flat tyre.
My first stop was the garage station as I seriously needed an energy drink and something sweet. Bray was much bigger than Vostershoop and was the biggest town I had been to since leaving Upington. As I was leaving for the police station, I saw 3 woman talking outside their cars just behind the garage. I immediately approached them. I lucked out with one who offered to let me camp her garden just down the road. She told me to ride up the road for about 2kms and her house was on the left. So I did just that and saw pretty much the whole of bray. Rode past a school, the police station at the border post etc. I arrived at the house and was shown inside where I met her daughter and son. I was also given a place to sleep inside. Thank you kindness of strangers!!! I also recall downing a whole lot of fruit juice which was offered to me. I then met the husband who came back from work in Botswana. He did something with the land that side. I was happy to be here amongst such friendly people once again. After supper I was told I must bath before 9pm as that was when the water was cut off, but that I could take the biggest bath I want. It was sooo good. Turns out they have free municipal water for some reason which is piped in from somewhere else, but the water is only available from 6am till 9pm so they stock up with water if need be for any use outside that time. I also patched my tube up before relaxing and having a lekker chat with the family then headed off to bed.

Distance 65kms

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