Friday 30 August 2013

Day 33: Vorstershoop to road camp

I decided to watch some satellite while eating my breakfast and soon realized that I was wasting so much time doing this. If I was out camping I would have been on the road already not wasting time with all this crap on television. So I got ready to go. Before heading out I popped into the store to resupply and to say cheers to Tian. Then I went back to collect my bike. After packing all the supplies away, I realized my rice and lentils in a bag was missing. Now my first thought was that someone had stolen it as I had left it on the window sill outside. I was right. Someone had stolen it and that someone was Tampon. The little bugger had pulled a fast one and nipped it while I was away. I saw the horrific remains of my lunch bag torn open with its bland tasting rice and lentil entrails spewed all over the floor. Oh the horror! It was just too much to bare. So I collected the torn plastic bag and threw it away. I guess its bread for me today. I said goodbye to Tampon vowing my revenge and with the lesson learnt never to leave ones lunch unattended. Haha. Touché Tampon. Touché.

Next part I can sum up rather quickly. I rode past Molopo Nature Reserve. Still gravel. Saw plenty sheep, maybe goats and cows too and various game along with whatever birds there were. Road now ran along the border of Botswana being the Molopo River bed. Botswana was now clear on my left. Got some water at Makopong Border post before pushing on about 15-20kms before calling it a day next to the road again.
Molopo reach around.
Looking into Botswana.
Standing between the camera and Botswana.
Why aren't you sheep a herd of energy drinks.

Distance 85kms

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