Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 21: Road camp to Kakamas.

Glad to not have been robbed, killed or sold off into slavery to Darkseid during the night, I readied myself for the road to Kakamas. Again my pal Johan had organized a place to stay with his Aunt that side. I arrived at what I thought was the next town based on my map book called Bladgrond. It was less than a town as I found out. I think it was maybe 3 houses on either side of the road. And here I was looking for some water for my long trek ahead of me. Must look up what the actual defintion of town is in the future.
So this is what a road reflector graveyard looks like.
A little past it, I was met by a friendly couple who stopped to find out what I was doing. Again another lovely bunch I was more than happy to talk to. They enjoyed my story and gave me a coke, chocolate and some scones. They all went down pretty good. Once again I was blessed with the kindness of strangers.
Not to close honey. Who knows where that beards been.
About 20kms from Kakamas I was happy to find out that it was pretty much all downhill for about 10kms much to my relief. I rolled into the small town of Alheit and could see the Orange River being utilized for much of the farming in the area. Plenty grapes being grown, waiting to be dried up for raisins etc. 
Could have just dived right into these water flow systems. Looked so refreshing.
The last 10kms were a bit up and down but nothing hectic as I rode between the farmlands somewhat before entering Kakamas and swinging right and heading down the main street to my destination. I was met by Riana van Zyl and I was happy to have arrived after more than 100kms ride I think. Again I was given the routine of where I could place my things before showering and all that good jazz. Then I met her two children who had just come back from school. Plus they had a cool windhond which is similar to a greyhound who was also pretty friendly. Rianas husband was on his way back from Namibia so I would only meet him the next day. I had decided to stay for an extra day tomorrow so as to check out Augrabies falls which I heard about in Springbok.

Distance 103kms

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