Saturday 24 August 2013

Day 4: Graafwater to Strandfontein.

Had a fat breakfast, got some road snacks from Johans brother and said cheers. I also stopped by at the school where his parents worked to say thanks and goodbye. I was now heading back to the coast towards Lamberts Bay. The first 10kms were the last 10km I had ridden the night before. I figured a little overlap in riding is okay considering I got to meet wonderful people and have a comfy place to stay.

Saying cheers to the Koortzens.
Roughly 30kms later I was in Lamberts Bay. I rode to the rocks along the coast just to see the ocean and to rest a little. I got some advice to check out Strandfontein instead of Papendorp as that was my initial checkpoint for the day. I kept that in mind as I headed off.

Good to see tha ocean again at Lamberts Bay.
I was told about a dirt road that ran along the railway track from Lamberts Bay all the way to Doringbaai so that’s what I took. It’s a bit of a private road where one does pay a small fee to use it but I was let through without paying. A sign of things to come. The road was about 30-35kms I think and didn’t prove too tough. Just took it nice and slow and rested up when need be. Was nice having the ocean to my left in the distance somewhat.
Dirt road chilling. I  wonder if I'll see a tortoise?
You called master?
Look into the lens. No master, please. Nooooo!!!!
The road eventually turned onto a tarred road much to my relief and it was an easy ride to Stranfontein passing the small coastal town of Doringbaai. I rode into Strandfontein and winded my way down to the caravan park that runs alongside and just above the beach. This lil dorp was pretty much empty and is basically a holiday town. Plenty nice houses to be honest, all with awesome sea views. I rode into the camp area and met a couple from Bloemfontein. Real friendly bunch they were. After telling them what I was doing, they told me I could just camp ‘with’ them as you have to let them know at the top if you going to camp or caravan in the park. I had no intention of riding uphill for that so I just went along with the ‘Im with you guys plan’. They also let me know that yesterday, some English guy had stayed with them who was also cycling on a big adventure. For him it was Cape Town to London all the way through Africa. Plus he turned down a shower as he wanted the ‘whole experience’. Good luck guy, as I relished the shower that was on offer to me later. I guess if that other guy aint gonna shower, he his gonna stink so bad eventually that people will think he is dead so they wont worry him. Method to his madness? Maybe.
Tent pitching cherry popped.
After setting up my tent, I went for a walk along the beach. Wind was beginning to howl so I returned to collect my jacket before heading the other way to check the place out.

South side of Strandfontein
Looking towards the north secction.
Being a total poser. Wow thats a lot of red, and ginger!
With my little site seeing done I returned to the campsite and had a drink with my fellow Bloem campers and got to know them a little better. They were in the area because the husband had just worked on the Two Oceans in some sort of technical role. I think he was in charge of relaying the footage back to head office in Joburg if I recall correctly. And once he was finished with the job, they had planned to take a slow scenic return to Bloemfontein. The wife was a potter who ran her own studio back home. I returned to my tent to cook up some supper for myself. Rice and lentils with tuna I think. Plus I cooked some more for the next day. Then a lekker shower thanks to the ablution blocks then I hit the sleeping sack.

Distance: 70kms

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